NASA is using data from the Ridgecrest earthquakes to understand the atmosphere on Venus
RIDGECREST, CA (KERO) – We all remember the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes that shook the community to its core. Now, two years later, a bright side has been announced.
As the community recovers from the devastating 2019 earthquakes at Ridgecrest, NASA researchers were realizing they had a unique opportunity to make big strides for the scientific community.
Between July 4 and July 6, 2019, a series of powerful earthquakes rocked near Ridgecrest, causing more than 10,000 aftershocks over a six-week period. Seeing an opportunity, researchers from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and NASA’s California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have launched balloon-attached instruments to high altitudes over the region in hopes of making the first balloon-borne detection of a naturally occurring earthquake. Their goal: to test the technology for future applications on Venus, where balloons equipped with scientific instruments can float above the planet’s extremely rough surface.
“If we can show that on Earth, since the signal is much stronger on Venus, we would expect that if there are earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on Venus, which is now assumed, we can also capture it on Venus,” said Siddharth Krishnamurthy, a laboratory technician. Jet Propulsion, principal investigator for the analysis effort.
Krishnamurthy said the earthquakes at Ridgecrest presented a unique opportunity for NASA. The team was preparing for this experience, anticipating heading to Oklahoma. Then earthquakes of magnitude 6.4 and 7.1 provided the opportunity to conduct and experiment with this experiment in my backyard.
“It was basically ringing hundreds of times a day,” he said. “So we put together this rapid response campaign.”
What Krishnamurth is most interested in about balloons flying on Venus is that scientists can use them to drift over areas that appear to be seismically active based on satellite observations and see if they really are.
“If we drift over a hot spot, or what looks like a volcano from orbit, the balloon will be able to listen for acoustic clues to see if it’s really behaving like a terrestrial volcano.”
Krishnamurthy said the atmosphere on Venus
So, while the Ridgecrest jolts made history for their size and devastation two years ago, they may one day be part of an out-of-this-world breakthrough.
“It’s as if there is all this circumstantial evidence that Venus is currently volcanically active, but no one has been able to make a direct measurement,” Krishnamurthy said. “So it would be really cool to be the first to go out there and catch an ongoing eruption of Venus and confirm that.”
The next step is for the team to head to Oklahoma this summer and repeat the experiment on more earthquakes in order to find patterns that they will then perform on Venus using models from the planet’s atmosphere.
NASA is using data from the Ridgecrest earthquakes to understand the atmosphere on Venus
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