The 5-star movement’s internal earthquake complicates Italy’s agenda
The 5 Star Movement (M5S) is about to undergo its biggest internal collapse since its founding. The party that won the last election with 33% of the vote and still has the largest number of parliamentarians in Italy is in disarray after Beppe Grillo and former Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte cut ties. The first is the founder and presumed guarantor and, in a way, owner of the political party. The second, who held the position of prime minister for two years, wanted to re-establish it and turn it into a stable, progressive and green party. But the break now leaves only two tracks: an internal rebellion in Conte’s favour, or a major split in parliamentarians to form a new party led by the former prime minister. The problem is that the consequences of the crisis will appear outside the party. “We’re in a big mess,” sums up one senator from M5S.
The irony of this date shows that the party that came to destroy the old order as the best protector so far (M5S has been part of three different CEOs in three years with almost all parties in Italy). Now it is the internal earthquake that is jeopardizing stability. Qigi Palace, although it declined to comment on the situation, is closely monitoring the development of the conflict. All options are negative and will complicate the agenda of Mario Draghi’s government and the country for the coming months.
The weight of the M5S, although much lower in the polls, is still very high in Italy. He is the senior partner in the executive unit headed by Draghi. Your support is essential for the smooth running of the recovery plan, for the reforms that need to be made and approved in Parliament, and for the investment of European money. But also for the stability of the Cabinet – it has three of its chiefs – and several secretariats of state controlled by grillinos. The situation is clearly not the best. “I hope it will be redirected,” says a senior official from one of the affected ministries.
However, the crisis has no signs of “returning”. Grillo has publicly insulted Conte by accusing him of having no “political vision” – having been prime minister for two years and in the midst of a pandemic – and having no “management skills”. The offer of the founder, self-appointed guarantor of training, did not like many M5S parliamentarians and yesterday afternoon they all met to analyze the problem with a critical background that leads to division or rebellion.
The entire Italian political scene is holding its breath, awaiting the conclusion. After four months of living in an unusual oasis, the limbs return to shaking with convulsions of feelings. In the Democratic Party (PD), which was to become a partner of the M5S in the upcoming elections, there is concern. This complicates matters, starting with the local elections, because it is not known now who will elect the candidates of a potential coalition. [con el PD]. The M5S fight may end in court. It’s not a good thing for anyone. The irony is that the government will have to rely more on the center-right. This can contribute to giving them executive power. “But it’s still very confusing,” says an important SPD deputy.
The ramifications could also extend to the stability of the government – and a return to the populist and anti-sectarian origins of the M5S without Conte that would nearly rule out Draghi’s support – and the election of the next president of the republic. Something that Enrico Letta, Federal Secretary of the Democratic Party, admitted on Tuesday.
Conte decided that he would continue in politics and, at the moment, was already campaigning to seduce the largest number of parliamentarians. Weak. Yesterday morning, dressed in tracksuits and a bag with tennis rackets, he asserted that “the self-transformation led by Grillo is an affront to the entire community that believes in certain ideals.” And for now, it looks like many will follow. “The transformation was inevitable and he [Conte] He was the perfect man to lead it, says the former MP. But if there is no unexpected twist of text in the Grillo show, it will have to be from another platform.
The internal situation of the Five Star Movement (M5S) is difficult to understand even for most seasoned parliamentarians. “This is a mess,” says an M5S deputy, assuring that the vast majority of senators would leave with Giuseppe Conte if the former prime minister formed a party. “Maybe a little less in the House of Representatives, but there will also be a majority,” he insists. The strangeness of this schizophrenic situation is that it was Beppe Grillo who promoted Conte to the premiership twice; Then he was the one who was asked to lead the reestablishment of the party in the last great M5S match. Finally, he was also the one who agreed to the impeachment of David Casaleggio, son of co-founder and friend, Gianroberto Casaleggio. With this movement, it was decided to bury the opaque platform of direct participation (Rousseau) that the movement has used so far to make all its decisions. But Grillo now, in another change of mind, wants to get him back so that there he decides to form the new governing bodies. The comedian, with his usual clarity, begins to be impatient with a bit of militancy.
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