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Wild medicine pioneer Paul Auerbach dies at 70 | News Center


Throughout his life, he combined his passion for his work with his family life, traveling the world with his wife Sherry and their three children.

“Family was everything to him,” Danny Auerbach said. But his father was always ready to use his medical training when needed.

Snake bites, drowning, lightning, a lot of trauma, infectious diseases. This was wild medicine.

“The one story I’ll never forget: We were walking down the highway to the Minor League All-Star Game, and we saw a car that flipped over. My dad stopped and called the coach to come pick us up. He showed up later at the baseball game, his arm wrapped in gauze. He crawled through the back window, He cut off his arm to save the man in the car.”

Born in 1951 in New Jersey, Auerbach earned a bachelor’s degree in religion from Duke University, where he also graduated from medical school. He completed a residency in emergency medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he met his wife, who was studying to become a physical therapist. He also completed his MBA as a Sloan Fellow at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

During his training as a medical student on an Indian reservation in Montana, he first fell in love with wildlife medicine.

“We’ve seen all kinds of cases that I haven’t seen anywhere else,” he said. “Snake bites, drownings, lightning, lots of trauma, infectious diseases. This was wild medicine. Patient care. I thoroughly enjoyed it.”

His last mission

A few weeks before his scheduled retirement last year, Auerbach traveled to Hawaii on a search and rescue mission. The mission failed, but something else went terribly wrong. He called Nadia when he got back and talked to her about it.

“He said something strange happened when he went to Hawaii,” Nadeau said. “While he was doing a search and rescue for someone else, he lost himself. When he got home, he went to Stanford, had an examination, and they found the tumor. We were deeply saddened.” Over the next year, Auerbach underwent surgeries and treatments to fight glioblastoma. He remained positive until the end.

“People were calling him because this huge tumor had been taken out of the right frontal lobe, and he looked great on the phone,” said Sherry Auerbach, his 38-year-old wife. “He tried to work to the end. He had more brains than most people, so I think if he lost some it wouldn’t make much of a difference.”

Auerbach retired from Stanford on January 3. In an interview two months before his death, he talked about his career and how personal experience has helped him train countless emergency medicine doctors over the years.

“I had a patient we pulled out of the bay near Pier 39,” he said, relating a case from when he worked at San Francisco General Hospital many years ago. “He was a drowning victim. I got pipes stuck everywhere trying to warm him. He died.” Then, the coroner, who knew Paul well and liked to tease him, called him and asked, “What were you thinking? I’ve never seen someone with so many tubes.” Paul waited for him to finish.

“Did you look behind his ear?” The coroner asked him. Did you see the bullet behind his ear?

“I missed that,” Auerbach replied. During the interview, he smiled and shrugged his shoulders. He said it was a hard lesson in humility, a lesson he often shared with his apprentices.

“You have to be afraid when you go to work,” he said. “You have to be afraid of getting complacent. There is always someone with a bullet hole behind the ear waiting for you to slip. So you have to remain humble.”

In addition to his wife and son Danny, Auerbach is survived by son Brian and daughter Lauren, who is completing her residency in emergency medicine at Louisiana State University.





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