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A Yorkshire woman caught in a major earthquake talks about the battle to recover


A New York woman who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder in the aftermath of an earthquake in New Zealand has set out on a bike ride from one end of the country to the other to raise money for sanity.

Denny Lee, 27, set off from John O’ Groats yesterday (Sunday) and will hike along a 1,000-mile route I planned all the way to Land’s End for the next 18 days, while spending every night in wild camping.

Denny takes on the challenge, as she will allow herself one day off, to raise money for the charity Mind Mental Health, which she says is a cause close to her heart.

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Denny, who works for the NHS in York, was involved in a 7.1-magnitude earthquake in New Zealand, where she lived a large part of her life, in 2010 when she was 17.

“It led to me having PTSD and dropping out of school,” she said. “I didn’t know anything about mental health at the time and I only remember feeling very tired.

“I overcame PTSD but continued to struggle with the depression and anxiety I’ve always spoken about so openly. Last month I was diagnosed with type 2 bipolar disorder which only made me want to talk more and made me more determined to be able to help others.”

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She said she’s found that focusing on “self-growth, getting out of my comfort zone, and being helping others” has helped her over the years and is what prompted her to take on the latter challenge.

Denny said, “I’ve been wanting to take this trip for about three years now.

“I always like to set myself up for challenges and after walking from coast to coast a few years ago I thought this would be perfect.”

Denny Lee will allow herself one day of rest during an 18-day cycle through Scotland and England (Photo: Denny Lee)

Denny said she has benefited from the services Mind has provided before, which is why she wanted to give back.

She said, “My journey with my mental health has inspired me to want to help others and try to break the stigma that surrounds me so much.”

Speaking on Monday, she said her first 24 hours were “tough with the hills” but that she “was feeling good with the way things were going.”

Mental Health Factbox

Samaritans: phone 116123, 24 hours a day, or email [email protected], confidentially

Platform One Men’s Community Group: Supporting issues including mental health issues and addiction recovery. Visit the website or call 01484 421143.

Andysman Club: [email protected]

PAPYRUS: A volunteer organization that supports suicidal teens and young adults. Phone 0800 068 4141

Mind: A charity that provides support and advice to people with mental health issues.

Bullying UK: A website for both children and adults affected by bullying. click here

Campaign Against Miserable Life (CALM): Young People Feeling Miserable. There is a website and a helpline: 58 58 58 0800

MindOut: Provide mental health support and advice to members of LGBTQ communities. Tel. 01273 234839

She said: “I did 56 miles on Sunday and left John O’ Groats and met many other really nice inspiring cyclists and they were great.

“I camped last night in the wilderness and that’s my go-to all over Scotland. I’ve found it to be really quiet. It’s something I’ve always enjoyed but it’s always very difficult to set up all the gear when you’re stressed.”

Deni has set a £500 fundraising goal, which you can view and donate to by clicking here.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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