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The Royal Family’s New Earthquake, Buckingham Palace: They Did It Again!

The Royal Family’s New Earthquake, Buckingham Palace: They Did It Again!
The Royal Family’s New Earthquake, Buckingham Palace: They Did It Again!


The new quake in the royal family, Buckingham Palace: They did it again and the criticism arrived just in time.

The royal family at Euro 2020 (Image: GETTY)

It’s England’s big night. a wembley The Three Lions national team is played for entry to the finals. European against Denmark. An inevitable event also happened for the Windsors who “would have their ‘Royal Box’ representation at the London Stadium. Principe William the team fully entered the spirit of competition, celebrating with great enthusiasm the previous victories of Gareth Southgate’s team. It is worth noting that he was immortalized by the cameras with the rest of the His family members, while arms were celebrated to the sky, beat Germany 2-0 to the second round.

Even for her part, Prince Charles wanted to contribute to the national transfer of the football event. At the invitation of the Prince of Wales’ band of Cold Stream rangers, he plays an instrumental version of the classic “Football’s Going Home” at Clarence House. The tune has been the national anthem for years and British fans have sung it loudly at every European Championship match.

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Allegations related to the royal family, Euro 2020: They only watch England matches William A. Kate Wembley (Image: GETTY)

However, there is also a series of controversy about the behavior of a good section of real critics. Windsor vs football. Some were disappointed: “The British royals only took part in England matches.” And the Scottish newspaper began the “national” controversy, saying: “No member of the royal family has seen a football match played by a country other than England in this century.”

According to this research, the last race a member of the royal family watched had nothing to do with the Three Lions, ninety-nine and ninety-eight, “when Prince Edward attended the World Cup match in Scotland against Norway”.

This European had all of Scotland and Wales (up to the eighth). However, he did not get any follow up from Palazzo. The fact of being involved in the UK does not attract the same interest as Buckingham Palace. In those parts, these aspects, along with indirect political debate, have their importance and direct public opinion. Many fans on Twitter did not skimp on criticism and especially hurt themselves against them. William, apparently the most “football fan” in the institutional profile. Perhaps the Duke of Cambridge would do better to turn his attention to Wimbledon, avoiding a specific set of criticism.

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