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Severe Bulgarian elections could lead to political earthquake

Severe Bulgarian elections could lead to political earthquake


Trifonov breaks his long silence

The new campaign sees Borisov making his usual walks around small towns and villages and meeting voters directly. At the same time, his main opponent could not be far from the usual style of the campaign. He just had his first interview.

Since the birth of “There is such a nation”, Trifonov carried the party mainly because of his high reputation and admiration, he made almost no public appearances and did not speak his views other than his social media accounts and his own TV channel. He did not attend Parliament in the spring, before the appointment of a transitional government.

Regardless of his critical stance on Borisov’s policy, and his desire to impose a complete majority system in Parliament, Trifonov was undecided with regard to politics.

This changed on July 7, when the French newspaper Le Monde published an interview with him in his office on June 21.

“We have great laws but they are not being followed; we must rebuild the justice system,” Trifonov said, explaining that he did not speak to local media because he did not believe there was a free press in Bulgaria – an assumption based on 25 years of being part of the television circuit. He was also adamant that the controversial Prosecutor General, Ivan Gishev, should be stripped of his powers.

Trifonov, who tested positive for COVID-19 around the time of the election, was described in Monde’s article as wearing tracksuits while visibly ill, with “grey-blue skin” and using crutches.

He refused to be photographed for this feature. He explained in the conversation that he is slowly recovering from a fracture. He and members of his party have denied rumors of poor health. He remained reticent about the political future he sought for himself. But he said he is not seeking the position of prime minister, not even the position of deputy, and does not see that as the only option.

Often seen as conservative, Trifonov gave mixed signals. He positioned himself as pro-European and criticized the anti-LGTB stance of the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban. Meanwhile, he rejected Bulgaria’s possible ratification of the so-called Istanbul Convention on the Prevention of Violence against Women and Marginalized Groups, calling it “unnecessary for our society”. He also wondered whether the European Union should gradually transform into a unitary state.

He cited former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, former US President Ronald Reagan and current French President Emmanuel Macron as political figures he admires.

The demand for judicial reform, and Gechev’s view as an enemy of the free press and an ally of the status quo, is something that “There is a Nation” has in common with Democratic Bulgaria and “Stand Up.BG!” Gangster out! However, Trifonov remains the only person to demand a majority system in Parliament.




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