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5.4-magnitude earthquake hits Puerto Rico museums | Smart news


An earthquake of 5.4 magnitude struck south of Puerto Rico on Saturday, May 2, leaving 50 families in need of new housing and destroyed buildings including the historic Museum de la Mascar de Ponce and Casa Pauli, Sarah Cascone told ArtNet News.

The tremors are at a critical point in the territory of the United States, which has suffered a series of natural disasters in recent years. A 6.4-magnitude earthquake this January caused blackouts across the island and left thousands in need of shelter, causing damage to a community still recovering from Hurricane Maria. Now, while Puerto Rico is fighting the new coronavirus, the earthquake is “one crisis at the top of another,” Health Minister Lorenzo González Vásquez Danica Coto of the Associated Press told.

Most of the damage occurred in the coastal city of Ponce, in southern Puerto Rico. Photos posted on Facebook show the hanging wall of the Museo de la Masacre de Ponce museum and a collapsed balcony on the second floor. The Universal newspaper reported at the time that the museum – which celebrates the memory of a 1937 protest that killed 19 civilians and two police officers – was also slightly damaged by the earthquake in January.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Museo de la Masacre de Ponce Museum housed the local office of the National Party in Puerto Rico, which called for independence from the United States from the 1920s. Today, the museum tells the story of the March 21, 1937 demonstration, detailing how police shot a crowd in recognition of the abolition of slavery in 1873 in Puerto Rico and a protest against the prison of national leader Pedro Albizo Campos.

After the United States imposed its holidays on the territory, the National Party began celebrating holidays for the history of Puerto Rico, according to the museum. Although the organizers of the 1937 rally requested a permit from the city, the mayor revoked this permission at the urging of the US-appointed governor on the island. When a crowd gathered, the island’s police fired on them. In total, 21 people were killed and more than 100 injured.

The building houses the office of Ponce of the National Party of Puerto Rico in the early twentieth century.

(With permission from Betsy Ramos Colon)

Located near the historical Casa Paoli, the Museo de la Masacre de Ponce Museum is a home museum dedicated to opera singer Antonio Paoli, who was born in Puerto Rico in 1871. Paoli performed all over the world and was known as the “King of Tenants,” according to a site dedicated to the history of tenor.

“Experts say that if this series of earthquakes continues, the four main walls of the building’s internal structure may collapse,” told Nestor Murray, director of Casa Paoli, artnet News in an email.

Another local museum, the Art de Pons Museum, was closed after being damaged during the January earthquake. According to a press release, the subsequent examination found that the exhibition’s sets were not damaged, and the building’s structure remained intact. The museum’s director, Alejandra Peña Gutierrez, told ArtNet News that the earthquake on Saturday did not cause more damage to the building.

The Associated Press reported that several aftershocks followed the earthquake on Saturday, including a 4.9-magnitude earthquake. Victor Horivano, Director of the Earthquake Network in Puerto Rico, told the Associated Press that such seismic activity is not unusual given the series of earthquakes that began in the region in late December.

“In the long run it is decreasing but you can have peaks,” he said, adding that strong aftershocks are likely to continue.


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