The second series of The Trump Show is proving to be as wild and unpredictable as the first. This time...
Hamidabad: Mahesana in Gujarat witnessed an earthquake on Friday evening. The tremor was also felt in Ahmedabad. The earthquake, measuring 4.2 on the Richter scale, occurred...
As Donald Trump's administration elects, the Middle East is closely watching the implications of the new White House for the region. It happened at a time...
COBB, Calif. — A 3.3 magnitude earthquake struck Lake County and nearby parts of Sonoma County Friday afternoon. The US Geological Survey reported the earthquake at...
The attack on Mason Rist and Max Dixon lasted just 33 seconds. A tragic case of mistaken identity at the center of the long-running rivalry between...
In this region, most affected by the recent earthquakes measuring 6.0 and 6.8 on the Saffir-Simpson scale, the President of the National Defense Council also noted...