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Central Kitsap neighbors, prepared for disaster, face COVID-19 together


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Amy Taylor wears a mask with a smile on her as she heads to the garden chair to enjoy the back door party of Joel Gibson Jr. that took place in the Donce Drive neighborhood on Thursday. (Photo: Megan M. Redd / Kitsap Sun)

Kate Central – Residents of Dansy Drive, a quiet street off Central Valley Road, have yet to see the end of the epidemic hosting a live community.

With a colorful duct tape indicating appropriate social distances, neighbors gathered Thursday afternoon to hear Joel Gibson Jr, a country musician, perform briefly with his acoustic guitar on his back door.

“It makes our community feel a little closer, although we have to be separate,” said Amy Taylor.

Neighborhoods in the Pacific Northwest, with distant houses among tall fir trees, are not always known to be connected. For Doncee Drive, knowing neighbors was legitimate for nearly a decade.

It was a effort led by Dorothy Glen Bennett, a retired school counselor who did social development research at Washington University. Ghylin-Bennett knew the power of personal contact with children but realized in her research at UW how important it is for all ages.

The Federal Ministry of Health and Human Services estimated that 43% of elderly people experience loneliness – and that was before arranging residency at the place of the epidemic.

She said, “The feeling of belonging is important to children, but it is also important for adults.” “It is very important that you know your neighbor.”

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A cat named Liu crosses the Dunsey Drive as neighbors commit to social disorganization while listening to Joel Gibson Jr.’s backdoor party in the Central Kitsap neighborhood on Thursday. (Photo: Megan M. Redd / Kitsap Sun)

Since then, she helped launch garage sales at storefronts, social ice creams, neighborhood neighborhood watch parties, and earthquake readiness meetings. The planning for the “big” was so accurate that he got to where the neighbors would find the place of the morgue if they needed one.

Support for neighbors points to “the heart of our earthquake preparedness,” says Dave Rasmussen, public teacher at Kitsap County Emergency Management. “The dynamics of this epidemic make it somewhat difficult to convey these practical strategies as we strive to limit material interactions and maintain social distance.”

But a personal relationship between neighbors is enabled on Doncee Drive.

For Doncee Drive’s neighbors, the epidemic also served as a dry course for an earthquake or other disaster. For example, nearly all 17 houses marked “OK” in their window. He says, “Help”, and every day, a neighbor was walking on the platform to check.

“It’s kind of a test run,” said Glenn Bennett.

Instead of a major earthquake, the COVID-19 pandemic came, and neighbors say their personal contact still serves them well, not least for mental health: Knowing someone in your area is looking for you.

“We need to see people, even if you wear masks,” said Glenn Bennett. “We have all been trapped in our homes for a very long time.”

As of Thursday, the neighbors went out to hear Gibson. The musician, whose Facebook couch parties kept him on Facebook, left contact with fans last week to deliver the goods to the fans. Using appropriate social spaces, he will play a song or two while he is there.

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Dorothy Glen-Bennett leans against the fence of neighbors while listening to a tailgate party for Joel Gibson Jr. in the Doncy Drive neighborhood on Thursday. (Photo: Megan M. Redd / Kitsap Sun)

“Music is a spiritual thing,” Gibson said, who fears people are getting mad and wants to find a safe way to help. “Music can be healing.”

Rasmussen said that the neighbors who prepared for earthquakes had a foot in the epidemic: emergency supplies. The current state campaign “two weeks ready”, if fulfilled, would have meant less pressure for someone who had, for example, a good toilet paper armrest.

“Who would have thought that toilet paper would be the most difficult to buy,” Rasmussen said.

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