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Coronary effect: small business owners in Napa get stuck with the reopening of county pools


Napa, California (KGO) – The reopened second phase of COVID-19 restrictions on Friday could not bring enough speed to small business owners.

In Napa County and the city, they say they hardly cling.

When the models in downtown Napa seem to outnumber human flesh and blood, it may be a sign of something wrong.

Related: Is the Gulf Region Ready for Stage 2? Here’s what each county has to say or perhaps these people and small business owners have moved to the Zoom Chamber sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. “My husband entered and built shelves and masks. I have antiseptics,” a woman in the zoom box observed.

“If big box stores open, why not open them?” Another asked.

They saw more than enough of the first street, city center, with mostly empty sidewalks and closed signs. The curve ran out of steam here. The final lines no longer allow this.

“I don’t blame the virus. This is real,” said Catherine Baker. “I blame how we reacted to it.”

Related: Man models Santa Rosa sends a far social message. “Even a doll can do it.”

She owns the Calamity Jane boutique, which has masks in stock, assuming she can sell it. “He is so emotional. I created this. I wanted to make this thing and now someone is taking this from me.”

Even as Napa County prepares to partially reopen it on Friday, it does so with memories of how the 2014 earthquake destroyed this community. Many small businesses have never recovered, and Vice Mayor Doris Gentry has described the epidemic as worse. “This is much more devastating. With the earthquake, we finished it.” While Governor Newsom gave a ray of hope, there was still a level of frustration from the small business owners, who noticed that all of these conditions were still out of their control.

“Was he encouraged by what the governor said today?”

“I have to be. We need this to move forward.”

Before these individual models, the models are truly front of the unit.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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