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Chamoli, where flash floods killed 200 people in February, and Ukhand’s most seismically active area in the Himalayas: Study | Dehradun news

Chamoli, where flash floods killed 200 people in February, and Ukhand’s most seismically active area in the Himalayas: Study |  Dehradun news
Chamoli, where flash floods killed 200 people in February, and Ukhand’s most seismically active area in the Himalayas: Study |  Dehradun news


Dehradun: Scientists have identified an area of ​​2,291 square kilometers in the Chamoli district of Uttarakhand as the “most seismically active region of the Uttarakhand Himalaya” after finding that it experienced the highest intensity of earthquakes and landslides during the eight-year study period. Flash floods also occurred in February that killed 200 people in Chamoli in an area within this region. Researchers at the Dehradun-based Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG) studied the Main Central Propulsion Zone (MCT), a 2,200-kilometre geological fault along the Himalayan belt that demarcates the Lesser Himalayas from the upper Himalayas. The area has been described as the “geographically weakest part” of the Himalayas since all earthquake-related activity in the Himalayas occurred within a 10-kilometre radius of the MCT, according to the scientists. For the study, the researchers looked at a portion of the MCT that is located in Uttarakhand, with a total area of ​​19,000 square kilometres. The study, published in Current Science, analyzed earthquake and landslide data in the region between July 2007 and October 2015. Data was collected from seismometers to study earthquakes while landslide data was obtained through high-resolution satellite imagery as well as images on the Google platform Earth. The study found 2,260 earthquakes with a magnitude between 1.5 and 5.1 in the study area. Of these, 769 were between 1.5 and 2.0, 1,335 were between 2.1 and 3.0, 129 were between 3.1 and 4.0 and 27 were between 4.1 and 5.0. The data highlighted that smaller earthquakes of less than 3.0 magnitude – which lead to frequent landslides – were “pooled” in certain areas. Therefore, scientists have classified them into three main groups: the Uttarkashi earthquake rupture area (3,179 square kilometers), the Chamoli earthquake rupture area (2,291 square kilometers) and the Munsiyari earthquake group (4,220 square kilometers). These groups have been studied further. The Uttarkashi earthquake rupture area—which experienced a massive earthquake in 1991 that killed more than 700 people—recorded 145 earthquakes and 300 landslides during the study period. The Munsiyari group recorded 269 earthquakes and 401 landslides. The Chamoli earthquake rupture area, which recorded a massive earthquake in 1999 and flash floods in February this year, has experienced 328 earthquakes. “Our study found that the Chamoli earthquake area was the most seismically active area in the Uttarakhand Himalayas,” Vikram Gupta, lead author and chief scientist at WIGH, told TOI. Study co-author and chief scientist Ajay Paul added that some factors in the Chamoli region showed that it had more stress built up around it over the years than other clusters, resulting in more frequent tremors. The area also had the highest density of landslides, in other words, the number of landslides divided by the area. “Shamoli, with an area of ​​2,291 square kilometers, had the lowest area among all congregations, but recorded 313 landslides – a landslide intensity of 53% compared to the Munsari group which had a landslide intensity of 37%,” said Gupta. The researchers said further construction in the area should be avoided to prevent tragedies. “No hydropower plants or construction activities should be planned in this area. Existing hydro power projects should be monitored extensively,” Gupta said. Flash floods in Chamoli earlier this year caused severe damage to two hydropower plants – Rishiganga and Tapuvan Vishnogad Power NTPC Hydroelectric Corporation – in the area.More than 70 people died in the disaster while more than 130 were reported missing.The state government later issued a notice saying the people missing in the disaster were “presumed dead”.

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