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Lancaster and Nami in Fukushima are promoting hydrogen

Lancaster and Nami in Fukushima are promoting hydrogen


Lancaster, CA – The town of Lancaster in the Antelope Valley and the town of Nami in Fukushima, Japan seem to have little in common.

One is a landlocked area on the edge of the Mojave Desert. The other is a coastal region half a world away, which was hit by a 9.0-magnitude earthquake, followed by a 50-foot tsunami and then a nuclear meltdown that forced its 21,000 residents to evacuate in 2011.

But on Monday, Lancaster and NAMI joined a first-of-its-kind international agreement to use hydrogen as a major source of energy.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW The cities of Lancaster in Los Angeles County and the town of Nami in Fukushima, Japan, have signed a Memorandum of Agreement to be smart sister cities Lancaster and Nami have committed to using hydrogen as their primary green energy strategy Lancaster is already the world’s first zero-emissions city and plans to become the first hydrogen city In the United States. The city is currently building an anaerobic digestion plant to produce renewable hydrogen from organic waste and will supply renewable hydrogen to the city council.

Announced five days before the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics, which will be marked by an Olympic flame fueled – for the first time – by hydrogen, the convention is designed to draw attention to the most abundant chemical on the planet and its potential. A clean energy source for transportation and electricity.

“Solving climate extinction requires unprecedented global cooperation and smart and ambitious solutions,” said Lancaster Mayor Rex Paris. “Hydrogen will be the critical ingredient to making all of this work. For the first time, we actually have the technology to save the planet. The question is, will we have the political will to save the planet?”

Paris has been the driving force behind Lancaster’s current status as the world’s first zero-emissions city, having transitioned to solar power after becoming mayor in 2008. Now serving his fifth term, Paris intends to up the ante, turning Lancaster into the first hydrogen city in the United States

Lancaster is currently building an anaerobic digestion plant to produce renewable hydrogen from organic waste. Its town hall will be the first in the world to be supplied with renewable hydrogen generated by solar electricity, as well as the first city to support hydrogen-powered cars for its residents.

“We are excited to connect with other cities around the world that share our ambition and realize that the potential of hydrogen is the power to save species,” Paris said of its sister smart city partnership with Namie to produce, store, deliver and use hydrogen.

With its abundance and ability to create and consume without generating any emissions, hydrogen can be made from water, renewable bio-methane and even plastic waste.

“Today we celebrate the historic opening of a new era of creating an energy sector focused on hydrogen, a fuel that can help the environment while at the same time creating new jobs and opportunities,” said Akira Moto, General Counsel for Japan in Los Angeles. .

Moto hosted Monday’s event at his home alongside Paris and Los Angeles County Supervisor Catherine Barger, with dozens of government and business leaders from both sides of the Atlantic taking part online. It was Barger who brought Moto to Paris last July, setting the wheels in the Smart Sister Cities Partnership movement.

Japan is already the largest foreign investor in California, Moto said, operating nearly 2,500 companies that employ more than 81,000 people in Southern California alone, noting that many of these investments are involved in sustainability.

When the General Counsel of Japan met in Paris, he realized that Lancaster and Nami had overlapping visions. Japan just opened the world’s largest green hydrogen facility next to the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in March 2020 with the hope of becoming the global hub for a zero-emissions system that can be replicated worldwide.

With all eyes about to be on Tokyo for the Olympics, Japan is now taking advantage of the world sporting event to signal the birth of the new Fukushima as a hydrogen showcase, 10 years after it was decimated by a series of disasters. The Fukushima earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown killed 182 people, while destroying 651 homes and 1,000 commercial sites. Only half of it has been rebuilt so far, but what is there now is centered around hydrogen.

Last March, Nami was declared a carbon-neutral city and dubbed “Hydrogen City”. In addition to being home to the world’s largest renewable hydrogen plant, it has reallocated its middle school to a demonstration project to supply a hydrogen pipeline, created a hydrogen classroom in its elementary and middle schools, and uses fuel cell electric vehicles for its city council.

Namie is also considering hydrogen tourism for the city, including a fuel cell city bus tour that will showcase fuel cell vehicles at the city hall and industrial park powered by 100% renewable energy.

“At the Tokyo Olympics, we are trying to promote the creation of a sustainable society that can power us in the future,” Nami Mayor Kazuhiro Yoshida said Monday.

Namie’s renewable produced hydrogen will power the buses transporting athletes during the Olympics, as well as lighting and air conditioning in the Olympic Village. It was also used to play a concert by Japanese rock band Luna Se and a Toyota race car for the Fuji SuperTech 24-hour series.

While the hydrogen produced in Namiah is made from solar and wind energy, much of the hydrogen produced at Lancaster will come from garbage in facilities developed by Japanese companies. Hitachi Zosen Inova is developing a $100 million anaerobic digester plant to convert methane from organic waste into hydrogen. SGH2 Energy plans to build a facility in the city that can convert recycled mixed paper into gas.

As Lancaster strives to be the country’s first hydrogen city, it has forged a partnership with the Japan External Trade Organization, which coordinates cooperation between Japan, US governments and private sector firms.

Japanese companies are already involved in several pilot hydrogen projects in Southern California. Toyota is working with the Port of Los Angeles to showcase heavy-duty trucks that run on the same hydrogen fuel cells found in Mirai passenger cars. Mitsubishi Fuso America is currently conducting a feasibility study for on-site renewable hydrogen production at the port, with the goal of using 100% renewable hydrogen to power the trucks operating there.

“It’s really a first-of-its-kind agreement for smart sister cities to have municipalities in California and Japan working together to develop this technology from thousands of miles away,” Barger said. “The lessons we learn from Namie are countless.”

Barger, who is also the director of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority, added that she is looking forward to the Lancaster and Nami partnership to inform Los Angeles as it prepares to host the 2028 Olympics. Just as Nami is powering hydrogen for some aspects of the Tokyo Olympics, Lancaster will likely do the same in Los Angeles after to start and operate its own hydrogen plants.

“Through their partnership, we hope that new technology will power our transportation systems while we welcome the world into our county,” Barger said.





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