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The most recent Olympic Games: Fukushima baseball tournament opens

The most recent Olympic Games: Fukushima baseball tournament opens


Published Tuesday 27 July 2021 | 21:00

Updated Tuesday 27 July 2021 | 21:00

Tokyo (AFP) – The latest Olympic Games in Tokyo, which are being held under severe restrictions after a year-long delay due to the coronavirus pandemic:


International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach and Japanese baseball great Sadharu Oh attend the inaugural Olympic baseball tournament and were on the field at Ceremonial First Field in Fukushima.

They were joined by Tokyo Organizing Committee Chairman Seiko Hashimoto and World Baseball Softball President Ricardo Fraccari when a high school baseball player from the district threw his first pitch — a complete wrap-up off the rubber.

Wearing crisp white gloves on both hands, Bach slammed his fist into the 14-year-old before Japan took the field in their game against the Dominican Republic.

It is the only Olympic baseball to be played in Fukushima, which was devastated by an earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in 2011. The rest of the tournament will be held at Yokohama Baseball Stadium in Tokyo.

Baseball has been restored to this year’s Olympic roster for the first time since 2008. The sport will be dropped again at the 2024 Games in Paris, but is expected to be played again in Los Angeles in 2028.


Medal alert

Britain won the men’s 4x200m freestyle relay at the Olympics for the first time since 1908, but just missed a world record.

With a strong group that included 1-2 in the 200 freestyle, Britain blew the field in 6 minutes 58.58 seconds. This was outside the world record set by the Americans (6:58.55) at the 2009 World Championships.

200m gold medalist Tom Dean sprinted for the British. James Jay and Matthew Richards took the middle legs before silver medalist Duncan Scott swam the 200m into the anchor leg. It was the first British gold in the event since her debut at the first London Games.

Russia took the silver with a time of 7:01:81, while Australia took the bronze with a time of 7:01:84.

The four-time defending US champion finished fourth – the first time they had failed to win a medal at an event other than the boycotted 1980 Moscow Games.


Medal alert

Katie Ledecky finally took her first gold medal at the Tokyo Games.

Ledecky won the 1500m freestyle, which debuted at this year’s Women’s Olympic Games. This helped the American star make up for what was by far the worst show of her Olympic career.

About an hour after finishing fifth in the 200-meter freestyle, Ledecky overtook teammate Erica Sullivan to win the metric mile in 15 minutes 37.34 seconds.

Sullivan took the silver with a time of 15:41.41, while German Sarah Koehler took the bronze with a time of 15:42.91.


Medal alert

Japanese swimmer Yui Ohashi swept the women’s singles medley event at the Tokyo Olympics.

Ohashi rallied to victory in the 200-meter medley, beating Americans Alex Walsh and Kate Douglas. Ohashi has previously won the 400m individual medley.

The winning time was 2 minutes 8.52 seconds. Walsh took the silver with a time of 2: 08.65, while the bronze went to Douglas with a time of 2: 09.04.

Hungarian defending Olympic champion and world record holder Katinka Hoszow finished seventh. She was the oldest swimmer in the final at the age of 32.


Medal alert

China ended its first record day in the finals of rowing by breaking the world record in the women’s quadruple rowing boat and winning the gold medal.

The Chinese boat finished in 6 minutes 0.13 seconds and cut nearly two seconds off the previous mark set by the Netherlands in 2014. The race has never been so close. Poland won the silver by more than 6 seconds behind the Chinese. Australia won the bronze for that country its fourth medal of the day.

Weather conditions produced strong tail winds for rowers at the Sea Forest Waterway in Tokyo, and new world or Olympic records were set in each of the six medal races on Wednesday.


Medal alert

Hungarian Christoph Milak won a dominant victory in the men’s 200m butterfly at the Tokyo Aquatics Centre.

Milak won the gold by nearly two lengths, cementing his position as one of the top candidates in Olympic billiards. He touched in 1 minute 51.25 seconds – about two and a half seconds ahead of Japanese silver medalist Tomorrow Honda, who finished the race with a time of 1:53.73.

The bronze went to Italian Federico Bordiso with a time of 1:54.45.

South Africa’s Chad Le Clos finished fifth. He won the 200 fly-by at the 2012 London Olympics, which upset Michael Phelps, but he was no match for the Hungarian superstar.


Medal alert

The Netherlands set a new world record in men’s rowboats with a sprint over the final 500 meters to win the gold medal.

Their time of 5 minutes 32.03 seconds beat the previous record of 5: 32.26 set by Ukraine at the 2014 World Championships.

The Dutch boat finished fourth after the first 500m but closed in second with the next mark. A late push overtook Great Britain to take the lead.

Great Britain then postponed a late attack from Australia to win the silver medal. Australia’s bronze was the country’s third of the day after winning gold in the men’s and women’s quartet.


Medal alert

Ariarn Titmus beat Katie Ledecky again at Tokyo Aquatics Center Ledecky did not win a medal – the first time this had happened to her at the Olympics.

The Australian Titmus awarded her third individual gold by winning the 200-meter freestyle. Titmus set an Olympic record of 1 minute 53.50 seconds to make it 2 for 2 against the American star, following his impressive win in the 400-meter freestyle.

In the longest race, Titmus maintained her energy during the first half of the race, then rose to pass Ledecky with the second fastest performance in history. Ledecky wasn’t even close to 200, achieving her first heart in seventh and never higher than finishing fifth in the finish. She finished the race in 1:55.21 – nearly two seconds behind the winner.

Ledecky has a tough morning that also includes a free 1500 final. She’s a huge favorite for the gold medal in this race, which is new to the women’s program this year.

Italian Federica Pellegrini finished seventh in her fifth and final Olympics. She won the gold medal in 2008 and is still the world record holder.


Medal alert

Australia doubled its Olympic rowing gold medal tally, with all four men winning moments after the Australian women took gold.

Australia had rushed to the front by the 500m mark and was never challenged to make it to the finish line as Romania fought back late from Italy to win the silver medal. Australia’s time of 5 minutes, 42.76 set a new Olympic record.

Italy won the bronze medal.


Medal alert

Australia’s women’s teams set a new Olympic best time to win the gold medal in stormy conditions at Tokyo’s Sea Forest Waterway.

The Australian boat led at every mark but had to fight the Netherlands over the last 50 meters to win in 6 minutes 15.37 seconds, just 34 seconds ahead of the Dutch boat.

Ireland regained bronze over 5 seconds.

Stormy conditions prompted paddling in the water park saw a rapid plunge into Olympic best times as the first three races saw new standards set.


Medal alert

The French team of Hugo Boucheron and Mathieu Androdias held off the Netherlands’ late attack over the last 50 meters to win the men’s paddlers by 0.2 seconds in an Olympic-record time of 6 minutes 33 seconds.

China took a strong step from the start before backing away even with France and the Netherlands. Dutch boat Melvin Tueller and Steve Bruinck briefly held the lead at 1,500 metres.

Boucheron and Androdias soon swayed the Dutch with a powerful push that was good enough to fend off a late attack at the finish line.

China’s Qiu Liu and Liang Zhang finished third in the bronze medal.


New US beach volleyball partners Jake Gibb and Trey Bourne will get more time at the Olympics to get to know each other.

The Americans had never played together before their first game in Tokyo on Sunday. They beat Switzerland 21-19, 23-21 on Wednesday to advance 2-0 in the quarter-finals. They have another match against Qatar on Friday evening.

Jeep qualified for the Tokyo Games with partner Taylor Crabbe. But Crabb tested positive for COVID-19 and withdrew, allowing Gibb to replace him. Bourne was on the third-placed US team in the qualifying race. A maximum of two locations are specified for each country.

Two wins would be enough to put the Americans in the knockout round. At worst, leaving them would put them in a three-way tie initially and give them a tiebreaker.


Medal alert

Romania’s Ankota Bodnar and Simona Rades won the first gold medal in rowing at the Tokyo Olympics, in the women’s double rowing races.

They pulled off from the start and never gave up a dominant performance.

Medal rowing events were postponed for a day due to poor weather forecasts amid a tropical storm.

Once back in the water, the Romans faced no challenge and were led by two boats of only 500m in length. Both Bodnar and Radis are only 22 years old. Their brisk walk to victory left the only fight for the silver medal, as New Zealander Brooke Donohoe and Hannah Osborne outstripped Dutch boater Ross de Jong and Lisa Shenard.


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