Scientists Demonstrate a Safer Way to Dispose of Wastewater – ScienceDaily
A team of scientists has developed an approach to wastewater disposal that reduces the risk of an earthquake.
Oil production produces large amounts of wastewater, which is often injected into the ground as a means of disposal to avoid contamination of surface waters. However, injections have the potential to cause earthquakes.
A study was published today in Nature that documents the way a multidisciplinary team of scientists has devised to avoid such earthquakes. Their method was tested in Western Europe’s largest onshore oil field, the Val d’Agri field in southern Italy.
Hundreds of small earthquakes were observed there after field workers injected sewage into an abandoned well in 2006.
“The earthquakes were detected within hours of the injection,” said James Dietrich, co-author of the study and emeritus professor of geophysics at the University of California, Riverside. The cause-and-effect relationship was clear.”
Wanting to know safe injection levels, field operators convened a team from UCR, Harvard, MIT and the University of Texas.
Dietrich took data collected in the field and created models that accurately reproduced seismic events observed between 1993 and 2016. Based on studies in Dietrich’s lab, his models help explain how a small change in the amount of stress on a fault can lead to A lot of pressure occurs. Change in the rate of earthquakes.
The research team then used models to predict the effects of using three different water injection rates. They determined that the relatively low injection rate was sustainable and should not cause vibration.
Between January 2017 and June 2019, these forecasts were field tested, and seismic activity was consistent with projected levels. The authors suggest that this approach could be used to manage earthquakes caused by other activities, such as carbon sequestration.
This strategy to reduce global warming involves capturing industrial carbon dioxide and putting it in the ground rather than the atmosphere.
“One of the biggest drawbacks to this is that huge amounts of fluid injected into the ground have the potential to trigger earthquakes,” Dietrich said. “How can this be managed? We’ve learned a little here that might help along those lines, and related problems like hydraulic fracturing.”
Story source:
Materials provided by University of California – Riverside. Original by Jules Bernstein. Note: Content can be modified according to style and length.
Sources 2/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/07/210728111334.htm The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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