Study reveals seismic and tsunami risks in Spain and advises addressing this issue “urgently”
The Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM), a center of the Supreme Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), considers that there is a seismic and tsunami risk in Spain, so it is advised to address the matter “urgently”, according to a published study. last month in Communications Earth & Environment magazine.
ICM experts have revealed the tectonic source and mechanism responsible for the Great Lisbon earthquake of 1755, with a magnitude of 8.5, which was combined with a series of subsequent fires and tsunamis that almost completely destroyed the Portuguese capital and seriously affected neighboring regions, such as Cadiz. and Huelva.
Contrary to other studies, which have suggested alternative tectonic sources, the text indicates that it was a reverse fault located in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula that caused the earthquake, which it identifies as one of the most destructive natural events in history. From Europe.
“This fault has the dimensions, geometry and characteristics of the rock that surrounds it is necessary to explain the large scale of the 1755 seismic event. In addition, its location and geometry coincide with the source of the most important recent earthquakes in the region,” explained Sarah Martinez-Laurent, member of the International Commission for Cairo (ICM) and lead author To investigate.
“Related results”
Valente Salaris, an ICM researcher and co-author of the study, points out that the findings are relevant because, apart from explaining the causes of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake, they also explain heavy earthquakes and large earthquakes. In the region, its magnitude appears to be excessively high given that the scale of failures in this place is moderate.
“All this knowledge is extremely important when it comes to civil monitoring and protection, as there is in the region a group of active faults similar to those that caused the 1755 earthquake and which may have the potential to cause earthquakes with potentially greater impacts on the Spanish coast than previously thought,” it reads. Statement issued by the ICM.
Therefore, the study authors concluded that the earthquake and tsunami risks associated with these structures should be “urgently” re-evaluated.
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