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New research says Utache’s lines of error are bigger than previous thought


The study looked at four years of data. Errors are capable of causing an earthquake that could cause “major damage,” and more than three quarters of Utah’s residents live along the front.

A recent study revealed that the fault lines that caused a series of recent earthquakes in Utah are greater than previously thought and could cause “significant damage” to homes, buildings and infrastructure in the most populated area of ​​the state.

Research conducted by the Utah Geological Survey looked at four years of data, including recently obtained high-resolution high-altitude surveys, to map wider fault lines along the Wasatch Front, which includes Salt Lake City, where there are about three Utah quarters live the population.

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Construction workers look at rubble from a building after a 5.7-magnitude earthquake on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 in Salt Lake City.

(AP Photo / Rick Boomer)

An earthquake of 5.7 magnitude jolted the population and damaged buildings and caused blackouts in the area on March 18. This was the largest earthquake to hit the country since 1992, followed by more than 1700 aftershocks.

Errors in the Wasatch interface can generate earthquakes of up to 7.6, according to a UGS press release. Earthquakes of more than 6.5 degrees can rupture the surface and cause cracks – uneven pieces of land on the surface of the earth, similar to degrees or edge.

Wrong scarves not only cause damage when they occur, but are also unsafe to build upon because they can be reactivated during an earthquake, according to UGS.

The new research identifies “special study areas” on Wasatch error lines and recommends an additional investigation before construction on these sites.

“As a result of this research, we better understand where we have had seismic earthquakes in the geological past, and where we may face them in the future,” said Emily Klipper, risk geologist from UGS. “Knowing where the flaws are is helping us make better land use decisions now and in the future.”

Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather, the environment and the importance of science in our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of the parent company, IBM.

Weather Company’s primary journalistic mission is to report on breaking weather, the environment and the importance of science in our lives. This story does not necessarily represent the position of the parent company, IBM.


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