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Lōʻihi earthquake activity statement issued by USGS HVO


Years following explosions and earthquakes “are available at

(BIVN) – After yesterday’s sudden surge in earthquakes near Lōʻihi, the active submarine volcano southeast of Hawaiʻi Island, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory released the following information statement:


Earthquake activity increased on Sunday and Monday near Mount Lahi, the smallest Hawaiian volcano located about 35 km (21.7 mi) southeast of Pahala, at a water depth of ~ 1 km (~ 3300 feet) below sea level. There is no indication that a submarine eruption has occurred nor are there any major risks to concern Hawaiian Island at this time.


Starting at approximately 3:00 AM HST on May 11, 2020 and continuing through the morning of May 12, HVO detected more than 100 earthquakes under Lōʻihi, including 79 with a strength of 2 (M2) and 19 with a strength of 3 (M3) and above. This is a significant increase over the long-term background rates of less than 3 earthquakes per day in Lōʻihi, generally with magnitude less than 2. The number of earthquakes peaked at 14 per hour between 1 and 2 p.m. Monday and decreased thereafter. Since the early morning hours of March 12, earthquake rates have been less than 4 an hour.

The earthquake swarm is located below the southeastern rift zone and southeastern wing of Liihi at depths of 3.6 to 12.4 km (2.2 to 7.7 mi) below sea level or approximately 1 to 9.8 km (0.6 to 6 mi) below the surface of the volcano.

Interpretation and risk

This swarm may represent a brief mystical incursion or movement of magma fluid into a volcanic edifice. Although the swarm appears to have diminished in intensity, if earthquakes become shallow, it may lead to the beginning of a submarine eruption, similar to what happened in 1996.

The Lōʻihi eruption, if it occurs, may cause partial depletion of the magma chamber and crumbling of the summit, as occurred in 1996. Large and sudden changes to the surface of the volcano can displace large amounts of ocean water, which, if it is large enough, may generate Local tsunami is very small. Earthquakes of magnitude 4 and above can occur if swarm intensifies and can be felt on the island of Hawaii.

If stronger eruptions or earthquakes occur, very small tsunamis may affect the southeastern shores of the island of Hawaii. Relatively low-energy explosions, steam and gas can occur deeper in Lōʻihi, but with limited local impacts on the volcano and surrounding ocean waters.

There is no direct relationship between the current Lehi swarm and the ever-increasing earthquakes observed in Pahala during the past year. Lōʻihi Squadron is located 35 km (21.7 mi) southeast of Pahala, at remarkably shallow depths. The current Lōʻihi swarm is also not related to the earthquake observed in the southern flank of Kīlauea.


The LOIHI Maritime Mountain is an active volcano on the sea floor south of Kīlauea Volcano, about 30 km (19 miles) from the beach of Hawaiian Island. The sea mountain is about 975 meters (3,199 feet) below sea level. The volcano consists of a wide crest area characterized by three crater craters and two prominent prominent areas that extend from the summit about 22 km (13.6 mi) southeast-southeast and about 15 km (9.3 mi) northeast. The volcano is likely to have a shallow magma chamber between 1 and 2.5 km (0.6 to 1.6 mi) deep below the summit.

Earthquake activity has been recorded near Lōʻihi since 1952. The previous Lōʻihi earthquake swarms occurred in 1952, 1971-1972, 1975, 1986, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1996, 2005 and 2017, and were characterized by hundreds of thousands of earthquakes that occurred over weeks to months. Sizes up to M4.9.

The largest earthquake detected in Lōʻihi was M5.1 in May 2005. Many 1952 Lōʻihi earthquakes were felt in coastal societies and one of the earthquakes led to a small tsunami sweeping about 180 m (600 ft) in Kalapana; No damages were reported. The 1996 Lōʻihi earthquake swarm was one of the most intense seismic swarms recorded by HVO observing networks and summarized below.

During the six weeks beginning July 16, 1996, HVO recorded more than 4,000 earthquakes in the Loeihe area. Ninety-five of these earthquakes were between its magnitude 4.0 and 4.9, and about 400 were stronger than its magnitude -3. Most earthquakes occurred during the last half of July during three time periods, each lasting for two to five days and separating them from one to four days. Subsequent marine expeditions to the region discovered that the volcano’s peak area collapsed to form a new crater about 1,800 feet wide and 900 feet deep. Hydrothermal vents were observed in the new crater, and evidence of the newly erupted lava was found. For more information, see University of Hawaii, School of Earth and Ocean Science and Technology, website.

HVO continues to closely monitor seismic activity in Lōʻihi District and will issue more updates as needed. There are no observational devices on Mount Loei, so earthquake sites are not as accurate as those on Hawaii. Important activity changes will be reported on L فيihi, Mauna Loa and Kīlauea Volcano through the USGS Volcano Notification System and the HVO website. We are in constant contact with the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park and Civil Defense in Hawaii County to keep them informed of the activity.

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