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In earthquake-ravaged Haiti, rescuers scramble to save people trapped under rubbleExBulletin


Haitians in Les Cayes estimate the damage on Sunday after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hit the previous day. Richard Perrin/Getty Images .

. Richard Perrin/Getty Images

Haitians in Les Cayes estimate the damage Sunday after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake the day before.

Richard Perrin / Getty Images

Search and rescue teams pull people from collapsed buildings in Haiti as international aid efforts intensify in the hardest-hit areas of the Caribbean nation’s southwest after a devastating earthquake.

As of late Monday afternoon, officials said the death toll had risen to 1,419 and nearly 6,000 were injured. The 7.2-magnitude earthquake early on Saturday was the deadliest to hit the country, the poorest in the Western Hemisphere, since January 2010 .

But Saturday’s earthquake shook a relatively sparsely populated area of ​​Haiti, and officials hope the death toll – although already bad – will be much lower than the roughly 200,000 people who have died in and around the capital, Port-au-Prince, 11 years ago. Ago.

The earthquake hit like “a lion in the woods”

Glademi Stvermin, a 34-year-old student who lives in Les Caye, near the epicenter, told NPR that the shaking he experienced on Saturday morning sounded like “a lion in the woods.”

“Everything was moving – houses, cars – and everyone was crying,” he said by phone from the city. He had just woken up and was about to pass out when he felt a slight tremor – then a “disaster”.

His bedroom now has a big crack in the back wall, and his kitchen has collapsed. But he is luckier than many – he is alive and the damage to his house “wasn’t that bad”, compared to many of his neighbours.

Stvermin said “many” died in Li Kai, but he doesn’t know the exact number.

“There were people stuck. Blocks were falling off [on them],” He said.

Stfirmin lived during Hurricane Matthew, whose epicenter passed not far from Les Cayes, a city of about 125,000 people, five years ago. Saturday’s earthquake was even worse, he said: “During Matthew, we were expecting it. This came unexpectedly.”

He said the quake had contaminated the local water supply. Les Cayes also need food and shelter, “because people sleep outside” – just as the Grace Tropical Depression suffers in southwest Haiti.

“Basically, they need everything”

Inoubert-Pierre is a pediatrician at the non-profit World Health Organization, which oversees St. Boniface Hospital, about two hours from Les Cayes. “Basically, they need everything,” he told The Associated Press.

“Many patients have open wounds and have been exposed to unclean elements,” he told the Associated Press.

The Prime Minister’s Office said 13,694 homes were destroyed by the quake and its aftermath, and 13,585 homes were damaged. Hospitals and schools have also been damaged or destroyed.

Jerry Chandler, the head of Haiti’s civil protection office, said the needs at the moment are great, but the priority is to get medical care for those injured from the falling debris.

“We have a lot of trauma patients who haven’t received treatment yet,” he told NPR. Many hospitals in the area have been damaged [are] Either they outdid themselves or they affected themselves structurally.”

He said the goods are being shipped by boat and by small planes and helicopters on loan from the Dominican Republic and the United States.

digging between rubble

Rescuers, while digging through the ruins of a hotel in Les Cayes, found the bodies of 15 people. Jean-Moise Fortuny, whose brother the hotel owner was killed in the quake, told The Associated Press he believed two or three others were still trapped in the rubble.

Families who lost their homes in the quake have put up sheets on a soccer field in Les Cayes hanging from sticks to ward off the sun, the Associated Press reports.

Patients are cared for on Sundays outside Les Cayes General Hospital. Richard Perrin/Getty Images .

. Richard Perrin/Getty Images

Patients are cared for on Sundays outside Les Cayes General Hospital.

Richard Perrin / Getty Images

Wagner Tanis, who lives on Ile-a-Vache, located in the middle of a southern bay near Les Cayes, said the island was badly damaged, but he doesn’t know of any deaths there.

Tanis, contacted by NPR in Les Cay, said he was in the stricken town because it was the closest place for El-a-Vache residents to “get money to buy food.”

“Many houses were destroyed in Il-a-Vache,” he says. “I know a lot of people, [whose] houses [are] Consists “.

In the town of Jeremy, about 60 miles north of Les Caye and located in the same southern peninsula, roads were cut off by the earthquake, cleared and then rendered impassable again by mudslides caused by aftershocks.

“We use boats. We use helicopters and planes as much as we can,” Chandler told NPR.

He said the road is open for now.

The earthquake comes as Haiti deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, growing gang violence and political instability following the July 7 assassination of President Jovenel Moss.

But Chandler said the gangs appeared to have retreated since the quake, possibly for humanitarian reasons. As a result, over the weekend he was able to cross a convoy of trucks across a section of the road notorious for hijackings.

NPR’s Jason Boubyan contributed to this report from Port-au-Prince.




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