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Albert Schweizer Hospital helps medical relief efforts in Haiti after earthquake – CBS Pittsburgh

Albert Schweizer Hospital helps medical relief efforts in Haiti after earthquake – CBS Pittsburgh
Albert Schweizer Hospital helps medical relief efforts in Haiti after earthquake – CBS Pittsburgh


LES CAYES, Haiti (KDKA) – Joining organizations like Brother’s Brother, other groups have been on the ground in Haiti for a long time and are now dealing with the influx of people in need of medical help.

Among those groups is the Albert Schweitzer Hospital.

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They serve 350,000 people in Haiti and have their development team based in Pittsburgh.

CEO Jean-Marc de Matisse joined KDKA News at 7:30 to discuss ongoing efforts in central Haiti.

Celebrating its 65th anniversary, the hospital has been at the forefront of people providing their services in Haiti.

“This is our 65th year of opening here in Haiti, and our founders Dr. Larry Mellon and his wife Gwen founded the hospital in 1956,” said de Matisse. “Our service area is close to 450,000 people, so it’s like the only hospital for a town like Pittsburgh.”

Everything was ready for the hospital and its staff, with efforts continuing in coordination with the United States Coast Guard, after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake.

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“It’s so devastating, I just landed in one of the hospitals we support and are helping and coordinating the evacuations, hospitals are overcrowded and hospitals like ours need to be available to absorb the excess of patients,” he said. . “I found a 14-year-old boy in a hospital with his father, [their] His house collapsed, and his father lost all four of his children, his wife and this was his only surviving child. We were able to get him on a Coast Guard helicopter, he was evacuated, and he was admitted to a hospital. It was very difficult.”

To make matters worse, less than a week after the earthquake, a tropical storm is approaching the area and could drop up to 15 inches of rain on the already devastated area.

“It’s starting to rain now, I’d really like to put a bow on for the United States Coast Guard, they’ve been flying their helicopter crews out of the Bahamas and Puerto Rico has been flying on non-stop flights, including here with this kid,” Mattis stated. We flew into Tropical Storm and came back with patients to evacuate patients. I really wanted to confess to the US Coast Guard tonight.”

So how can Pittsburgh help Albert Schweizer Hospital and the people of Haiti?

“We feel a deep connection to Pittsburgh residents, they can go to our website and show their support in this way, our facility is there, we are ready to accept patients, we have a full medical team in place, and we are supporting logistical efforts across Haiti to save lives,” he said.

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For more information about Hôpital Albert Schweitzer’s efforts and how you can help, visit their website at this link.





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