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Massachusetts nonprofits mobilize to provide assistance after the Haiti earthquake

Massachusetts nonprofits mobilize to provide assistance after the Haiti earthquake
Massachusetts nonprofits mobilize to provide assistance after the Haiti earthquake


Massachusetts nonprofits mobilize to help victims of a 7.2-magnitude earthquake in Haiti as the death toll passes 1,400.

Hospitals in the area are overcrowded. Buildings collapsed, roads destroyed, homes demolished. Lynn Jungle, father of 19-year-old Britney Gingel, who was killed during the 2010 Haiti earthquake that killed more than 300,000 people, said landslides occurred near coastal towns and powerful aftershocks continued to add to the destruction, devastation and fear. in Facebook. “Haiti is now bracing for a tropical storm. Grace is expected to arrive in Haiti late Monday. The nation’s suffering continues to fester amid social and political turmoil. For more than 11 years, we have stood by the people of Haiti and will continue to do so during this tragedy.”

Jungle said Brits Home, the orphanage he started in memory of his daughter, was still standing in the wake of the recent earthquake, and he encouraged people to donate to relief efforts if they could.

“During these challenging times, we are extra grateful to those who support our mission both near and far. Because of you we are able to continue what we are doing. Last weekend, when tragedy struck Haiti, we had five riders complete the Falmouth Road Race for our Children and collected nearly $13,000,” Gingell wrote.

A video posted to the Be Like Brit Foundation’s Twitter page, on Sunday, shows children fleeing after the orphanage was hit by an earthquake.

The earthquake hit the southwestern part of Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Some towns were nearly wiped off the map as shifting land caused landslides, hampering rescue efforts.

The US Geological Survey said the quake’s epicenter was 78 miles west of the capital, Port-au-Prince, and aftershocks continued to hit the area on Sunday.

Donate to E4 Mission, based in Hubbardston, which works with the Be Like Brit Foundation and the orphanage at Brit’s Home. Britt’s home houses 66 boys and girls, as well as the staff and their caretakers.

Mission of Hope International is another Massachusetts-based nonprofit organization that is currently part of the disaster relief effort in Haiti.

Beverly-based Build Health International has led the design and construction of some of Haiti’s most important health infrastructure over the past decade.

Herald Wire Services contributed to this report.




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