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A new earthquake warning system has been included in the province’s emergency SD app


SAN DIEGO (CNS) — The SD Emergency app in San Diego County is now equipped with ShakeReadySD, an earthquake early warning system, officials said Wednesday.

This feature is intended to let users know if an earthquake has occurred nearby that is likely to cause shaking within seconds. If so, he will prompt them to take precautionary measures such as fall, cover, hold or other appropriate safety measure.

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A US Geological Survey scientist joined county officials Wednesday to introduce the change to the mobile application at the county emergency operations center in Kearney Mesa.

“This is an early warning system that has the ability to give users a few seconds of warning or an alert that an earthquake is coming,” said Nathan Fletcher, chair of the Board of Supervisors. And this advance warning can make a big difference. It can give you a number of seconds to be able to move your family and friends to a safe place and avoid serious injuries.”

The county’s office of emergency services has been working with the USGS on alert for more than a year. The federal agency has a network of more than 770 underground sensors and other technologies designed to protect residents and visitors across California as part of the ShakeAlert Earthquake Early Warning System, which supports the ShakeReadySD component of the SD emergency app.

This is the first time the ShakeAlert system has been integrated into an existing emergency application.

“When it comes to disasters, we plan for all risks — earthquakes, fires, floods, terrorism and severe weather,” said Jeff Tony, OES County Manager. “And our SD Emergency app is a one-of-a-kind tool designed to provide all of your valuable San Diegans information before, during and after disasters – all in the palm of your hand.”

This technology is designed to trigger an alert to the user’s cell phone if it is close enough to an earthquake of magnitude 4.5 or greater and of shaking strength of 3 or more. After the alert, the app can provide emergency notifications such as road closures, shelters or other relevant important information.

Because it is linked to a statewide sensor system, it will work anywhere in the state to alert people about impending shaking.

“ShakeReadySD can save lives and reduce injuries by giving people time to take preventive actions such as falling, covering and holding or moving away from dangerous areas,” said Robert Michael de Groot of the USGS. “We look forward to working with San Diego County to deliver real-time earthquake early warning alerts powered by ShakeAlert.”

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For the new feature to work, users who already have the app will need to update it and then configure the settings including choosing English or Spanish and letting the app always track the phone’s location so it can accurately alert the user.

The app is available for iOS and Android phones and is free.

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.

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