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The non-profit organization Essex reflects the situation in Haiti after the earthquake

The non-profit organization Essex reflects the situation in Haiti after the earthquake


Written by Elizabeth Reinhart / • 2021/08/25 08:59AM EDT

More than 11 years after an earthquake devastated parts of Haiti, prompting residents in Essex to form the non-profit Sister Cities Haiti (SCEH), the Caribbean nation is once again facing similar difficulties.

On August 14, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the southwestern Haiti Peninsula, about 60 miles west of the previous earthquake site, in January 2010, and 78 miles west of the capital, Port-au-Prince, according to the United States. State Geological Survey (USGS).

SCEH programs are in Dechapelle, Haiti which is about 72 miles north of Port-au-Prince, not near the epicenter.

Jennifer Grant, who founded SCEH and now serves on its board, said she had mixed feelings – relief that the organization’s program areas and staff are safe, while sad about what happened there.

“It’s very difficult for me,” Grant said. “I am so glad DeChapelle once again did not suffer at all. I know the people who run programs in the South and my heart goes out to them.”

Scientists from the US Geological Survey report that the latest earthquake occurred along a fault line in the Enrico Plantin Garden fault zone, the same fault structure as the 2010 earthquake, and that seismic aftershocks are expected in the area.

On top of the earthquake, Haiti is also facing a hurricane season, with heavy rain due to Tropical Storm Grace just days after the earthquake.

These natural disasters, in a country that the World Bank has referred to as one of the poorest in the world, only exacerbate its social and economic problems, not to mention political turmoil. Jovenel Moise, the president of Haiti, was assassinated on July 7.

“They’ve had a difficult political time,” Grant said. “They’ve had kidnappings and gangs, what you have, mostly in Port-au-Prince. It’s devastating for this earthquake to happen.”

As of August 18, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that the death toll from the earthquake had reached 2,000, with more than 9,900 injured.

Despite this, millions of people were affected, including 540,000 children, with “limited or no access to shelter, safe water, health care and nutrition,” according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

“Hospitals that are there are finding it difficult to take care of patients and a lot of individual NGOs [non-governmental organizations] Those who work there, their programs have suffered in different ways,” Grant said.

Grant said that despite efforts to provide international aid, some towns and cities in the quake-affected area, such as Jeremy and Oaks Cayes, are difficult to reach due to the terrain.

The United Nations said criminal and gang violence was taking over the main road to Port-au-Prince.

When asked to compare the most recent earthquake to the earthquake in 2010, Grant said, “In 2010, the devastation was much worse because it was Port-au-Prince, but they, some people, were able to get into hospitals and eventually get some health care.”

In 2010, the death toll was estimated to be around 300,000 by the Haitian government, although other estimates are lower.

Grant said the College of Education and Higher Education’s programs, which focus on education, literacy, arts and athletics, continue to operate as they normally do, unless conditions related to the natural disaster change.

SCEH is partnering with the Southeast Connecticut World Affairs Council (SECWAC) to host the Academic Speaker for Haiti, Laurent Dubois, as part of the SECWAC Speaker Series.

DuBois is co-director of academic affairs for the University of Virginia’s Democracy Initiative and author of Haiti: Aftershocks of History.

The talk, titled “Haiti and Democracy,” will take place on Wednesday, September 15, immediately after the SECWAC Annual Meeting at 5:30 p.m. The event is free for members and $20 for guests.

The Norwich-based Haitian Health Foundation, which has an established program focused on healthcare, education and community development in the area directly affected by the earthquake, is currently responding with humanitarian aid. More information can be found at




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