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Earthquake information: M4.8 earthquake on Wednesday, 13 May 2020 19:02 UTC / Madagascar


Date and time: Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 19:02 UTC
Amount: 4.8
Depth: 10.0 km
Earthquake latitude / longitude: 20.31 ° S / 47.71 ° E (Madagascar)
Nearest volcano: Ankaratra Field (114 km)
Primary data source: GFZ Rated power: 1 * 10 ^ 12 Joules (278 MW / 239 Tons of TNT) [learn more]If you felt this earthquake (or if you were near the epicenter), please share your experience with us and provide a short “feel it” report. . – Thank you. Data on the earthquake itself was also reported by other TimeMag agencies. / DepthLocationSourceWed, 13 May 2020: Itosi Antananarivo, Madagascar (188.2 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration): Les aboiement des chiens quelques secondes avant le tremblement. On est dans une maison au premier étage. Nos parquets en bois craquèrent et des fissures apparaissait aux murs de briques cuites. Les mobiliers et armoires … ect … bougèrent. (85.6 km NW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): vibration approximately 3 seconds. It is late here (10 pm) so we are at home and we heard a giant stride upstairs and we thought the kids were jumping … (152.2 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) Antsirabe (67.4 km WNW from earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) Antananarivo (282.7 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): He just slept, Nd woke up shivering on the floor. Then the intensity increased (156.7 km north of the epicenter). [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) (163.1 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration): Antananarivo, Ankorahotra (157.3 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) Antananarivo, Evato (156.1 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) Antananarivo (153.5 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) Antanarivo (164.7 km northwest of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (154.6 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) Antananarivo (157.6 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (156.1 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (157.5 km north of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration) Antananarivo (154.2 km north from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration): I felt the vibration and saw the glass move within 10 seconds. Worisantananarivo (82.6 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] Ivandry, Antananarivo (156 km north from the epicenter) / MMI V (moderate vibration) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) (119.4 km WSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI VI (strong vibration) (166.1 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration): 10secondes de secousse environ, faibles puis modérées.Ambositra (54.1 km WSW from epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration): You have time to reach children. Antananarivo (150.7 km north from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) Antananarivo (159.9 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) Antananarivo (161.9 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very weak vibration) Antananarivo, Andorisoro (193 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (149.2 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) Antananarivo (153.3 km north from the epicenter) [Map] / MMI IV (slight vibration) (155.7 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI V (moderate vibration): Very scary. All things moved a lot Antanarivo for you (190.5 km northwest of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration) Manakara (206.9 km south of the epicenter) [Map] / MMI II (Very Low Vibration) (160.9 km north of earthquake epicenter) [Map] / MMI III (weak vibration)

IVANDRY ANTANANARIVO MADAGASCAR / MMI V (Mild Vibration): I am in Madagascar Antananarivo. It was the first time I had lived in an earthquake. I thought it was very strong. But by definition, it is not so, it was moderate. I think people need more awareness about this disaster to allow more preparation.

Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration): Ilvi in ​​an apartment in the north of the capital, Antananarivo. I felt the earthquake at 22.02 for 5 seconds rocking my bike and TV box in the corner of the living room.

Madagascar Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration): We all felt it. My daughters got out of bed and called my wife: What is this while heading to our room because of fear? Hear the crowd fleeing, the house and everything shivering

Antsirabe / MMI VI (strong shaking): I was in bed when I started, it didn’t last long, it shook twice, the first one woke me up, and the second one made me notice that the house was shivering

Iavoloha / MMI IV (slight vibration): I felt the vibration, I was working on a table with my daughter. My wife also felt that even she was asleep, the vibrations woke her up and asked me what this is. My father called me 40 km north after a few million to ask me; Hair also vibrated.

ANTANANARIVO IVATO / MMI IV (slight vibration): I felt it and heard it while playing my headphones, then I saw flowers in the vase in vibration of me. 10 seconds max and it ended. After tremors.

Tsiadana, Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration): I felt the bed sitting with a jolt and I heard a noise on the headphones I was wearing to watch TV. Only about 2 seconds in total

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Ivandry / MMI IV Antananarivo (slight vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antsirabe / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Ambatobe, Antananarivo / MMI II (very weak vibration)

Fianarantsoa / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Ambatolampy Tsimahafotsy, Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antananarivo, Ambanidia / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration): ten seconds

Mahitsy / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Ivandry / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Tanjombato / MMI II (Very weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Ambohimiandra / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antsirabé / MMI IV (slight vibration)

antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration): I have a little fear.

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo, Ambaranjana / MMI IV (slight vibration): I wasn’t really annoying, we were awake so we felt it. For deep sleep, they will not feel it.

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration): Ceilings make noise, such as thunder, but for a longer period. Very noticeable vibration on the second floor.

Antsirabe / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antaninandro / MMI VI (strong vibration)

Ankandrina Soamanandrariny / MMI III (weak vibration)

Ambatomaro / MMI IV (light shaking): Brother, I was afraid

Antananarivo – Amboditsiry / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (slight vibration): I was on the bed and was shivering. Street dogs started barking

Antananarivo, 67 Ha Nord- Est / MMI V (Mild Shaking)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

ANTANANARIVO / MMI VI (strong vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Ambaniala Itaosy / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivl / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antsirabe / MMI V (moderate vibration): The house was shaking.

Antananarivo tsaralalana / MMI VI (strong vibration)

Antsirabe / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antsirabe / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo Evandre Madagascar / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration): first experiment

Ivato, Antananarivo / MMI VI (strong vibration)

Tanjobato, Madagascar / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Ampahibe Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI III (weak vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Besarety / MMI IV Antananarivo (slight vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI VI (strong vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI VI (strong vibration)

antsirabe / MMI VI (strong vibration): It was scary, and I felt like strong winds coming. It was my first experience

Antananarivo Avaradrano MADAGASCAR / MMI VI (strong vibration): Jusque maintenanceen, j’ai encore les jambes engourdie et j’ai peur de dormir

Antsirabe / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI IV (light vibration)

Antananarivo / MMI V (moderate vibration)

Madagascar Pasteur Institute / MMI IV (slight vibration)

Antananarivo (Madagascar) (154 km northwest of the epicenter) (without details): time 22:04 (via EMSC) Antananarivo (Madagascar) (154 km northwest of the epicenter) (without details): c’était assez Intense par rapport aux autres séismes que j’ai perçu auparavant (via EMSC) Antananarivo (Madagascar) (147 km northwest of the epicenter) (without details): Séisme puissant (via EMSC)

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