Kaldor, Hurricane Ida, and the Haiti earthquake
A series of natural disasters, including wildfires and hurricanes, affected the United States this week, as Haiti continues to recover from a devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake that struck the country earlier this month.
Combining existing relationships with disaster response agencies, health safety net clinics, and government agencies, as well as analysis of data and pre-stored supplies, has enabled Direct Relief to respond efficiently and accurately to requests after each incident.
Wildfire crews respond to the Kaldor fire in Northern California on August 30, 2021. California. The fire started on August 14, 2021, and is 16% contained, down from 19% over the weekend. All 22,000 South Lake Tahoe residents have been ordered to evacuate. At least 472 homes and 11 commercial buildings were burned. Five individuals and two civilians have been confirmed injured. The Dixie Fire, the second largest in California history, has burned more than 800,000 acres in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. This fire started on July 13, 2021, and is 48% contained. According to the National Interagency Center, there are 83 fires burning in 10 states across the United States, with the majority concentrated in Idaho, Montana, California and Oregon. Wildfires continue to burn in countries across southern Europe, including Greece, Italy and Turkey, where several fires earlier this month wreaked havoc on historic cities, ancient forests and villages Fire response, emergency medical aid prepared and mobilized for El Dorado County centers Health in Placerville, California. The area is currently experiencing the effects of the Kaldor fire, and the shipment included insulin, inhalers, emergency medical backpacks for triage care, personal care products for evacuees, and other prescription medications. (Lara Cooper/Direct Relief) Direct Relief coordinates with CalOES, the California Primary Care Association, the local emergency department and the Department of Public Health to assess the health needs of communities affected by the Caldor and Dixie fires, as well as many other fires burning across the state. Direct Relief has committed an initial $1 million to help support safety net clinics and responders in fire-affected communities across the United States, and medical aid shipments to health providers have also left, health concerns include respiratory effects from poor air quality and smoke. The offer of assistance has been extended to health facilities in many Southern European countries currently experiencing or recovering from bushfires, and Direct Relief’s emergency response activities also include the synthesis of a wide range of public and private data sources for mapping and analysis of bushfire risk, social vulnerability, and movement of people in fire-affected areas Hurricane Ida bends service poles on a street after Hurricane Ida on August 31, 2021, in Homa, Louisiana, after Ida made landfall as a Category 4 storm. (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images) SITUATION Hurricane Ida reached Louisiana on Sunday as a Category 4 storm, dumping up to 16 inches of rain in some parts of the state and causing extensive damage to homes and buildings. More than a million people are still without electricity. With peak sustained winds of 150 mph, Ida is associated with the fifth strongest storm to hit the mainland United States. HURRICANE IDA RESPONSE Emergency medical supplies, including wound care, antibiotics, and chronic disease medication, depart the Direct Relief warehouse for health providers responding to Hurricane Ida on August 30, 2021. Shipments included medical support for Rapides Primary Health Care Center in Alexandria, Louisiana, as well as the response the basic. Both organizations conduct medical outreach and provide care to storm-affected communities. (Lara Cooper/Direct Relief) Direct Relief committed $1 million in response funding and provided its stockpile of medical aid, including antibiotics, chronic disease medications, and over-the-counter products, available to 214 federally qualified health centers and free clinics across Louisiana, Mississippi, and other states. On the way to Ida. Emergency shipments are being prepared or on the way for providers treating patients in the New Orleans area, including Baptist Community Health Services and Low Barrier Shelter as well as the Open Health Care Clinic in Baton Rouge, MLK Health Center and Pharmacy in Shreveport, and Rapids Primary Health Care Center in Alexandria . The shipments include wound care supplies, infection control drugs, tetanus vaccines, personal protective equipment and hygiene kits for the evacuees. The Haiti earthquake saw the devastation that hit southwestern Haiti earlier this month after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake caused extensive damage. (Photo by Didi Farmer) Situation Recovery efforts continue after a devastating 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the southern Haiti Peninsula on August 14, 2021. An estimated 2,200 people were killed and 12,000 are still missing or injured. The quake toppled concrete buildings, reduced homes to rubble and damaged vital infrastructure, including hospitals and roads. HAITI EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE Personal protective equipment, or PPE, and other required medical aid is being loaded onto a flight for delivery to Haiti from Puerto Rico. (Photo by Jose Jimenez Tirado for Direct Relief) 79 tons of vital medical supplies have been received, packed at Direct Relief’s California warehouse and shipped via a designated FedEx chartered flight, in Port-au-Prince where they are distributed to affected areas. Supplies on board the flight included antibiotics, wound care items, personal protective equipment, diagnostic kits, medical freezers, intravenous fluids, medical relief packages, and essential drugs. St. Boniface Hospital at Fond de Blanc received seven pallets of PPE and backpacks for medical relief and emergency shelters from the Direct Relief distribution center in Puerto Rico. Direct Relief also provided St. Boniface with $250,000 in emergency operational cash support. Direct Relief has agreed to award $795,000 to support health workers in the response to the Haiti earthquake. When the earthquake struck, Direct Relief had three sea freight containers of PPE and other medical supplies already on their way to Haiti-based organizations Partners Health, Saint Boniface Hospital and Saint Damian Hospital. In total, more than 192 pallets of Direct Relief medical aid totaling $12.8 million have recently arrived in Haiti, are on their way or are ready to be deployed.
Sources 2/ https://www.directrelief.org/2021/08/emergency-update-caldor-fire-hurricane-ida-and-haiti-earthquake/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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