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7.1. Strong earthquake strikes Acapulco, Mexico

7.1.  Strong earthquake strikes Acapulco, Mexico


A 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck near the coastal city of Acapulco on Tuesday night, the Mexican seismological agency said, shaking the capital, Mexico City, more than 230 miles away. Authorities said at least one person was killed as a result.

Mexico’s National Seismological Service said the quake struck seven miles southwest of Acapulco just before 9 p.m. local time. The service recorded 92 aftershocks in the hours following the quake. Pictures from the city circulated on social media showed cracked and damaged buildings, fallen light poles and streets filled with broken glass.

The civil protection agency in Guerrero state, home of Acapulco, said the quake had cut off electricity and telephones. Videos from both Acapulco and Mexico City showed the night sky lit up with electric flashes as power lines swayed and twisted.

The Federal Electricity Commission said 1.6 million users were left without power in Mexico City and the states of Mexico, Guerrero, Oaxaca and Morelos.

In the capital, power lines and buildings swayed for several seconds, and residents rushed outside in search of a safe place. Police said some neighborhoods in Mexico City were left without power.

In an interview with a local radio station, Hector Astudillo, the governor of Guerrero state, said someone had died due to a site fall in the town of Coyoca de Benítez, west of Acapulco.

Mr Astudillo added that there had been reports of boulders and landslides, and that walls had collapsed in Chilpancingo, the state capital. Electricity was cut off to many parts of Acapulco on Tuesday evening. “We are trying to continue collecting information,” the governor said.

A representative of the Red Cross in Chilpancingo said he had not received any reports of serious injuries. Guerrero’s health minister said no hospital admissions had been made as a result of the quake.

The US Tsunami Warning System issued a warning for Mexico, although the Guerrero State Civil Protection Office later said there was no tsunami risk. She added that waves were expected to be less than three feet high.

The USGS said the 7.0-magnitude quake was so shallow, only 7.8 miles below the surface, that the impact of the shaking would have been amplified.

However, authorities across Mexico said the direct effects of the quake on infrastructure were limited.

“There was no significant damage,” President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said in a video posted to Twitter around 11pm ET, adding that he had spoken to state and local authorities in the affected areas.

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum said the capital’s subway system had been restarted after services were halted briefly due to the quake. Sheinbaum said a newly installed cable car in the working-class Iztapalaba neighborhood, which can be seen swaying violently during the earthquake in videos shared online, is back in service.

The mayor added that the Federal Electricity Commission is working to restore electricity to neighborhoods that were darkened by the earthquake.

Earthquakes are no stranger to Mexico, where residents in the capital are accustomed to regular and sometimes fatal seismic activity due to the country’s location near colliding parts of the Earth’s crust.

Last year, a 7.5-magnitude earthquake rocked Mexico’s Pacific coast and shook rural Oaxaca, killing at least six people and damaging nearly 500 homes. This followed a devastating earthquake in 2017, which toppled buildings and killed dozens, including children buried under a collapsed school.

However, Mexican authorities have greatly improved building codes and warning systems since the devastating 1985 earthquake that killed up to 10,000 people in the Mexican capital, greatly reducing the risk of damage.

The capital’s earthquake warning system appeared to be working effectively on Tuesday, as loudspeakers across the city sounded loud sirens and a spoken warning of the quake several seconds before it struck, prompting many to rush outside.

Natalie Kitrov contributed reporting from Mexico City. Vania Pigeonutt contributed reporting from Chilpancingo.




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