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An earthquake of 6.4 magnitude struck near Tonopa



An image uploaded to the Facebook page of the Sheriff’s Office Esmeralda County shows a major break in US 95 because of it. An earthquake of magnitude 6.5. (Photo: Esmeralda County Sheriff’s Office)

This is an evolving story and will be updated.

USD 95 will remain closed until 5 PM

Update, 9:31 am

It is expected that the United States 95 in the province of Esmeralda will remain closed until 5 pm. While it was repaired and searched after it was damaged by a 6.5-magnitude earthquake early Friday morning.

Traffic around the closure of Highway 360 is diverted to Route 6.

In Tonopa, a 6.5-magnitude earthquake caused chandeliers to swing

Update, 9:06 am

Lorena Dillinger knew exactly what was going on when she woke up to her shaking house early Friday morning.

As her house swung back and forth, sending ceiling fans and chandeliers swinging, she ran downstairs to check on her children.

She said that the earth quickly receded to what it felt like five minutes. But in reality, Dillinger believes the vibration lasted for 15 seconds.

What I felt was the biggest earthquake in Nevada in 66 years. It has a magnitude 6.5 earthquake centered along US Route 95, 36 miles from Tonopa. It struck at about 4:03 am.

On Monday morning, the Renault Gazette Journal reported that her children were doing well and had been slightly shaken. In the next hour or so, her family ruled out a series of strong aftershocks – the largest of which was measuring 5.1.

As soon as the Earth began to settle, Dellinger, an assistant director of Nye County, began thinking about the rest of Tonopah that had been handled by vibration.

Reports started recording.

The historic Mizpah and Belvada Hotel managed to overcome the high fine, and the townhouse and crew were sent to inspect other buildings in search of damage.

In neighboring Esmeralda County, the US 95 earthquake tore apart in several places very badly, and the highway had to be closed.

Dillinger said everything in Tonopa so far seemed to be fine and no injuries were reported.

But the crew is still carrying out checks, and Dellinger has yet to receive a word about the building most interested in – the ancient Tonopah court, which is due to be renovated but has deteriorated over the years.

Buildings like this – constructed from the unreinforced building long before the modern seismic code – are not famous when the earth begins to move.

“Earthquakes are always a concern because we want to make sure our historic buildings are preserved, and when something is out of your hands we hope it will not be destructive,” Dillinger said.

Friday’s earthquake is the largest in the state in 66 years

Update, 8:41 am

Friday’s 6.5-magnitude earthquake near Tonoba is the largest earthquake to hit Nevada since 1954, when a 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck the Fairview Peak area, Graham Kent, director of the Nevada Seismology Laboratory, wrote in an update.

Kent added that the earthquake actually ended a 66-year streak in Nevada without earthquakes in the average 6-degree range.

Seismologists: aftershocks are likely to continue

Update, 8:13 am

Seismologists at the University of Nevada Seismology Laboratory at the University of Nevada say that aftershocks can continue after a 6.5-magnitude earthquake struck central Nevada near Tonopa early Friday morning.

Nearly a dozen aftershocks were recorded in the hour that struck the main shock at around 4 am this morning, with six of them above 4.5.

The largest was volume 5.1, which struck about 23 minutes after the main shock, according to a statement issued by the Nevada Seismology Laboratory.

The statement said there is an almost 4 percent chance that in the next week a bigger earthquake could strike.

The earthquake was recorded about three miles below the surface of the earth in a remote area, 36 miles west of Tonopah at about 4:03 am, and was reported to be far away in central California and southern Utah.

Light to moderate vibration has been reported to the U.S. Geological Service in Reno, Las Vegas, Fresno, and Sacramento.

On Friday, its magnitude is 6.5, the largest earthquake to hit the region since 1934, when its magnitude 6.5 struck 24 miles northwest. Before that in 1932, 6.8 struck 30 degrees north.

The last major earthquake in the region was 5.1 magnitude in 2013.

According to the Nevada Seismology Laboratory, there have been about 20 earthquakes in the range of 5 within 65 miles of this region over the past fifty years.

The earthquake occurred in the seismic Walker Lane, a large area of ​​active 60-mile faults that extend the border between Nevada and California. This rift system stretches from the Mojave desert in southern California, across the Sierra Nevada, north through western Nevada and the Reno region and back to California.

Backed by the same tectonic activity running the notorious San Andreas Fault, Walker Lane is responsible for the Ridgecrest 2019 earthquake in southern California and is also suspected of causing a 4.5 magnitude earthquake soon near Carson City.

No major damage was reported in Tonopah

Update, 7:40 am

So far, there has been no major damage from the earthquake or its aftermath in Tonopah, according to Nai Arnold Knightley’s Director of Public Information.

Traffic is diverted off the US 95 by earthquake damage

Update, at 7:30 am

Traffic is currently being converted from US 95 to NV 360 in Mina, near the epicenter of the reported earthquake, according to the Esmeralda County Sheriff’s Office.

The Mineral County Sheriff’s Office stated that no damage was reported in the earthquake in nearby Hawthorne.

The earthquake was upgraded to 6.5, and several parts of the United States were damaged 95

Update, at 7:06 am

Several parts of the US 95 were damaged by a major earthquake in central Nevada early this morning.

This earthquake, which was upgraded to 6.5 by the U.S. Geological Survey, struck along the highway between Tonopah and Hawthorne.

Photos of the damage, posted at the Esmeraldas Provincial Sheriff’s Office, show a major fracture along at least two parts of the highway.

Another, looking down the road, appears to show the place where the road has shifted slightly sideways.

The Sheriff’s Office said that travelers in US 95 should be careful and expect delays.

Tonopah, NV earthquake earthquakes

Update, 4:40 am

The Nevada Seismology Laboratory reports two additional tremors near Tonopah, measuring 5.4

Nevada earthquake strikes near Tonopah, felt in Reno

The original story

The Nevada Seismology Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno, reported that a 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck near Tonopa.

The earthquake struck shortly after 4 am, and it felt as far away as Reno and Sacramento.

Does your dog wake up barking at a locker shaking door, thinking of your haze that the other dog was scratching himself, then a ghost, then a thief, before he finally went “Oh, it’s an earthquake”?

– ColtonLochhead, May 15, 2020

Several major aftershocks were followed, including at least three vibrations of 4.0, 4.4, and 4.9.

The 6.4-magnitude earthquake was rated as “revised” by the Nevada Seismology Laboratory, meaning that its magnitude was completed by the seismologist.

Earthquakes, including 6.4, have struck in the desert between Tonopah and Hawthorne, near US 95, according to the Nevada Seismology Laboratory map.

If you feel the vibration, you can send a “physical report” to USGS here.


Every year, there are about 500,000 earthquakes – 100,000 of which can be felt on the surface of the Earth. But how do earthquakes work? We explain.

United States of America today


Sam Gross is an urgent journalist for Reno Gazette Journal covering forest fires, emergencies and more. Support his work by subscribing to

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