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Sichuan, China: Earthquake leaves three dead, 60 injured

Sichuan, China: Earthquake leaves three dead, 60 injured



Local authorities estimated the quake as 6.0, while the United States Geological Survey (USGS) estimated the quake as 5.4 on an 8-point scale.

The earthquake occurred in the early hours of this morning, with its epicenter about 52 kilometers (32.3 miles) southwest of Yongchuan District in Chongqing, with an initial depth of 10 kilometers, according to the US Geological Survey.

Pictures show damaged buildings with smashed windows, and the floor outside covered in debris, including fallen trees and bricks from collapsed walls.

At least 1,221 homes have collapsed and more than 3,000 have been severely damaged, according to the government tabloid Global Times.

“I woke up to the earthquake and saw the chandelier in my room swaying heavily and the writing desk shaking,” one resident, surnamed Tang, told the Global Times. It’s been a long time since an earthquake of this magnitude occurred.”

Chinese authorities launched rescue efforts in the morning, as the provincial government activated a level two response, the second highest in China’s four-level earthquake emergency response system, according to the state-run Xinhua News Agency.

Luzhou, a city of about five million people, was among the worst-affected areas. Thousands of soldiers and emergency workers were sent in the rescue effort, along with rescue equipment, medical supplies, temporary surgical vehicles and heavy machinery. Tents were set up for the evacuees in a nearby village.

Experts say a more serious earthquake is unlikely, although aftershocks are possible, Xinhua news agency reported.

Sichuan lies along one of China’s many seismic belts, making it vulnerable to earthquakes. A local employee in Luzhou told the Global Times that although residents are used to earthquakes, they are usually less powerful – and Thursday’s quake was much stronger than average.

A number of major earthquakes have occurred along one tectonic boundary in particular – the Longminshan Fault – which runs through the Sichuan Mountains. This is where the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, also known as the Wenchuan earthquake, struck.

The devastating 7.9-magnitude earthquake – near the top of the scale – killed nearly 90,000 people, and caused tremors in cities more than 900 miles away. Even 10 years later, not all of the damage from the earthquake site has been repaired, and survivors told CNN they still had deep scars.

The 2008 earthquake also highlighted the poor building standards and building regulations, which were prevalent at the time as major cities were built with astonishing speed during China’s economic and urban boom.

Although the authorities at the time severely cracked down on activists and critics who demanded accountability – outraging public opinion – the government eventually tightened regulations and strengthened enforcement.

Since 2008, the state has invested heavily in disaster preparedness, retrofitting buildings in earthquake-prone areas and implementing regular earthquake drills for emergency workers and schoolchildren. Beijing has also directed tens of millions of dollars to develop seismic and satellite science, according to Reuters. .




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