Puerto Rico to hold a referendum on the establishment of the United States
(San Juan, Puerto Rico) – Governor of Wanda Vasquez State announced on Saturday that it will hold a non-binding referendum in November to determine whether Puerto Rico should become an American country, a move that comes amid growing disappointment over the island’s regional situation.
For the first time in the history of the island, the referendum will ask one simple question: Should Puerto Rico be accepted immediately as an American country?
It is an answer that requires the approval of the US Congress and a question that has outraged the small group of independence supporters and members of the main opposition People’s Democratic Party on the island, which supports the status quo. But it is a gamble trusted by members of the ruling pro-state party that it will pay off given that Puerto Rico has struggled to obtain federal funds for hurricanes Irma and Maria, a series of recent strong earthquakes and a coronary epidemic amid growing complaints that the island is not receiving fair and equal treatment.
“Everything important in life carries some dangers,” said former Puerto Rican ruler Carlos Romero Barcelona, a new Progressive Party member.
Previous referendums of the electorate presented more than one question or different options, including independence or adherence to the current regional situation, but none of them was very direct as had been scheduled during the November 3 general elections.
Vasquez said: “Our people will have an opportunity once and for all to define our future.” “It is never too late to be treated as equal.”
Puerto Ricans are US citizens, but they cannot vote in the US presidential elections. While the island is exempt from the US federal income tax, it still pays social security, health care, and local taxes and receives less federal funding from the U.S. states.
Many believe that the island’s regional situation contributed to its struggle to recover from hurricanes and earthquakes, as well as exacerbate its economic crisis, which was largely the result of decades of heavy borrowing and the abolition of federal tax incentives.
The U.S. Congress will have to accept the results of the referendum to move forward, and has never acted in the previous five referendums for the island. The latter, held in 2017, was subjected to a boycott and weak turnout that raised questions about the legitimacy of the vote.
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More than half a million people preferred statehood in that referendum, followed by approximately 7,800 votes for freedom of association / independence and more than 6,800 votes for the current regional situation. Voter turnout was only 23 percent. In the three referendums leading up to 2017, a clear majority did not emerge, with voters sometimes divided almost equally between the state and the status quo.
The state will grant Puerto Rico two senators and five representatives, but the Republican-controlled Congress is unlikely to recognize the referendum because Puerto Rico tends to favor Democrats.
Roberto Prats, a former Puerto Rican senator and PDP member, said in a telephone interview that the upcoming referendum would be an absurd exercise like the previous five.
He said: “The only thing they did was to withdraw credibility from the state movement,” adding that Puerto Rico had undermined the confidence of the federal government with decades of corruption and mismanagement, and that any referendum should first receive support from the US Congress. “If we are going to make a decision about our relationship with the United States, then the United States should participate in that discussion.”
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