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Tibetans fear ‘Chinese-style’ homes in Qinghai earthquake reconstruction – Radio Free Asia

Tibetans fear ‘Chinese-style’ homes in Qinghai earthquake reconstruction – Radio Free Asia


Survivors of an earthquake earlier this year in a Tibetan province in northwest Qinghai in China say they fear authorities will rebuild homes and monasteries demolished in the earthquake in Chinese style, destroying their traditional Tibetan appearance.

The 7.3-magnitude earthquake hit Qinghai’s Matui County (in Chinese, Madu) on May 22, killing at least 20 people and injuring more than 300, local sources told Radio Free Asia in earlier reports.

Chinese authorities moved quickly to prevent the flow of information from the area, and prevented independent confirmation of casualty figures.

Local authorities in July began rebuilding damaged areas, demolishing homes and monasteries, a Tibetan who lives in the area told Radio Free Asia’s Tibet Service this week.

“But they are removing not only the buildings that were damaged by the earthquake but also those that were not affected,” a RFA source said on condition of anonymity.

“And without consulting the wishes of laymen or monks, they demolish their homes and living quarters and replace them with steel houses.”

“It is of great concern now that the government may soon rebuild the entire area with homes that only offer Chinese characteristics,” he said.

Although the earthquake in May left extensive damage behind, “there is no reason to simply demolish everything,” the source said, adding that Chinese authorities promise that the new structures will be strong enough to withstand earthquakes in the future, and that other homes will be built. in the end.

“However, all this new construction is only in line with the government’s agenda, and Tibetans fear that there will be no Tibetan properties left in these newly built houses,” the source said.

Authorities have prevented Matui Tibetans from publishing reports about damage from the May 22 earthquake, which followed a 6.4-magnitude quake earlier in the day in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, which left at least three dead and 32 injured, according to media reports. Governmental media.

On April 14, 2010, an earthquake in the Yuchul (Yushu) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai largely hit the city of Kegudo, displacing thousands of residents and killing nearly 3,000 according to the official count.

Chinese security forces later moved to evict Tibetan families from new homes built for them after residents said they could not pay the government’s additional construction costs.

Sources said the action taken by the authorities in Kegudo in January 2015 followed official demands for payment and saw hundreds of policemen deployed to government-built housing projects.

Tibetans living in China’s Tibet and Tibetan regions frequently complain of political, economic and religious discrimination as well as human rights abuses and say they fear Beijing will pursue ever more intensive assimilation policies toward six million Tibetans.

It was reported by Sangyal Konchuk for Radio Free Asia’s Tibet Service. Translated by Tenzin Dickey. Written by Richard Finney in English.





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