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How Canberra feels like a coronavirus? The Canberra Times


Corona Virus,

For some companies, tremors shake the foundations. For others, the earthquake has already hit the house. Jacques Lippis made no more than $ 42 in his last week of work. It is not enough to get him to reopen the doors of the oldest photography store in Canberra. It closed ninety years of history forever. The owner of the Manuka Center for Photography said, “I am still in the process of it. I still do not believe that such a thing could be very harmful to our closure.” “I feel passion about it. It’s half my life and it has been my passion since I was twelve years old and I have a camera in my hand.” “We have some customers who come all their lives. There is a 95-year-old who has been coming to the store since she was four years old.” For Lips, the coronavirus has accelerated the trend. Conventional cameras were doomed to failure as soon as the smartphones improved. He felt the first tremors of the earthquake that told business owners The Canberra Times that they were sure to be on their way. It has not reached full force yet. A pawn in Canberra said that trade had already decreased. Fewer people came to get desperate loans for their valuable property. Across the country, personal bankruptcies are at their lowest levels in 30 years. ACT bankruptcies have not increased since the virus was infected. “There is no price hike,” said Alyssa Taylor, a partner at Meyer Vandenberg law firm. “There is almost no activity in this space at this time.” “The government has temporarily removed the teeth of the legislation,” said Ms. Taylor. This was done by making debt recovery more difficult. Before the crisis, people who owed money from a company could send a “legal request from creditors” to the debtor, wait 21 days, and if there was no payment step to get the company because of the insolvent declared funds. This grace period has been extended to six months. The threshold for claiming funds was raised from $ 2,000 to $ 20,000. But lawyers say it is a postponement of the crisis. “The steps taken by the government only delay the damage,” said Lauren White of BDN Lawsers. Alyssa Taylor said bankruptcy cases may increase in October if the legislation returns to normal. “Within six months, these companies will not have the money to pay.” She believes that the problems will be severe for commercial real estate owners who have large mortgages but who postponed the collection of the rent and thus the income does not come. Read more: “Bankruptcy is the last resort as soon as credit cards reach the limit,” according to Charles Boss, bankruptcy experts helping companies in trouble in Canberra. He described the current situation as “calm before the Canberra storm.” Some in business are not entirely bleak about possibilities. Eddie Senator, a specialist in helping companies deal with crises, including bankruptcy, believes that the best companies will stay and companies that have lost the habit of innovation and enterprise will fail. “We will see companies that are serious operators coming through the skin and bones,” he said. He cites companies that adapt. Gym put online exercise instructions. An Italian restaurant has returned to its roots in the form of delicious food. Bars run additional miles to deliver food. On the other hand, darker, some companies are still only alive because government assistance exists, according to a senator, what he calls “zombie companies.” “They just stick to getting stimulation,” he said. “For these companies on the sidelines, all that happened is kicking the can on the way to September and October.”

How can the Canberra business feel the epidemic?

Jacques Lippis made no more than $ 42 in his last week of work. It is not enough to get him to reopen the doors of the oldest photography store in Canberra. It closed ninety years of history forever.

Corona Virus,

2020-05-18T02: 30: 00 + 10: 00

Tremors cause problems

For some companies, tremors shake the foundations. For others, the earthquake has already hit the house.

Jacques Lippis made no more than $ 42 in his last week of work. It is not enough to get him to reopen the doors of the oldest photography store in Canberra. It closed ninety years of history forever.

The owner of the Manuka Center for Photography said, “I am still in the process of it. I still do not believe that such a thing could be very harmful to our closure.”

“I feel passion about it. It’s half my life and it has been my passion since I was twelve years old and I have a camera in my hand.”

“We have some customers who come all their lives. There is a 95-year-old who has been coming to the store since she was four years old.”

For Lips, the coronavirus has accelerated the trend. Conventional cameras were doomed to failure as soon as the smartphones improved.

He felt the first tremors of the earthquake that told business owners The Canberra Times that they were sure to be on their way.

It has not reached full force yet.

A pawn in Canberra said that trade had already decreased. Fewer people came to get desperate loans for their valuable property.

The owner of the Manuka photography center, Jacques Lippis, was forced to permanently shut down due to the coronavirus. The picture is: beautiful Todras

Across the country, personal bankruptcies are at their lowest levels in 30 years.

ACT bankruptcies have not increased since the virus was infected.

“There is no sign of an elevation,” said Alyssa Taylor, partner at Meyer Vandenberg Lawyers.

“There is almost no activity in this space at this time.”

“The government has temporarily removed the teeth of the legislation,” said Ms. Taylor.

This was done by making debt recovery more difficult.

Before the crisis, people who owed money from a company could send a “legal request from creditors” to the debtor, wait 21 days, and if there was no payment step to get the company because of the insolvent declared funds. This grace period has been extended to six months.

The threshold for claiming funds was raised from $ 2,000 to $ 20,000.

But lawyers say it is a postponement of the crisis. “The steps taken by the government only delay the damage,” said Lauren White of BDN Lawsers.

Alyssa Taylor said bankruptcy cases may increase in October if the legislation returns to normal.

“Within six months, these companies will not have the money to pay.”

She believes the problems will be severe for commercial real estate owners who have large mortgages, but have postponed collecting rents, so the income does not come.

“Bankruptcy is the last resort as soon as credit cards reach the limit,” according to Charles Boss, a bankruptcy expert who assists troubled firms in Canberra.

He described the current situation as “calm before the Canberra storm.”

Some in business are not entirely bleak about possibilities. Eddie Senator, a specialist in helping companies deal with crises, including bankruptcy, believes that the best companies will stay and companies that have lost the habit of innovation and enterprise will fail.

“We will see companies that are serious operators coming through the skin and bones,” he said.

He cites companies that adapt. Gym put online exercise instructions. An Italian restaurant has returned to its roots in the form of delicious food. Bars run additional miles to deliver food.

On the other hand, darker, some companies are still only alive because government assistance exists, according to a senator, what he calls “zombie companies.”

“They just stick to getting stimulation,” he said.

“For these companies on the sidelines, all that happened is kicking the can on the way to September and October.”

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