What do you know about the ShakeAlert system
Power outages and ill-advised alert systems have left Californians without important information during natural disasters in the past.
But there are some free apps for your phone, numbers to text messages, systems you can sign up with, and technology to buy that can ensure you have the most accurate and up-to-date information when a disaster strikes, even during a power outage.
To better ensure you have critical information when you need it most, choose a variety of technology options should any particular solution fail. FEMA also reminds people that mobile phone networks can be inundated with crises, and it is often easier to receive information via text message than via a phone call or on an app during those times.
All of the following apps are available for iOS in the Apple App Store or Android in the Google Play Store unless otherwise noted.
free apps
FEMA Mobile: The Federal Disaster Relief Agency app will allow you to set weather alerts from the National Weather Service for up to five locations in the United States. Alerts provide information about the dangers of wildfires, dangerous storms, and heat waves, along with other natural disasters. You can also share emergency alerts, create a disaster checklist, and learn preparedness tips. The app is also available in Spanish.
American Red Cross: The nonprofit organization offers a number of free emergency alert apps for download, including one comprehensive emergency app and one dedicated to earthquakes. The apps also include an app called First Aid, which provides information if you need to provide first aid.
Zello: This app can turn your phone into a walkie-talkie, allowing you and anyone else with the app to communicate via short voice messages. It can be a useful way to stay in touch with others during an emergency, or to make quick contact with separated family members.
5-0 Radio Police Scanner: You can listen to live police scanners with this free app, including the San Francisco Fire Services and Emergency Medical Services. Scanners can sometimes provide useful information during natural disasters.
Broadcasting: Live broadcasts of public safety from earthquakes, fires, police, planes, and more. Choose by name or location. The app includes the official feeds and the most popular feeds.
County specific apps
Alameda County: To register for the AC County Alert system, download the Everbridge app and search for AC Alert. The system allows you to provide multiple ways of emergency contact and other useful information.
Santa Clara County: ReadySCC’s free mobile app helps you create an emergency preparedness kit and family emergency preparedness plan, including important emergency contacts and links to resources and information.
Phone and email
You can register your phone address and email address for location-specific alerts with local and federal government sources.
If you text “PREPARE” to 43362, your phone number will be logged for FEMA text alerts and emergency preparedness advice. Save the number 43362 in your contacts. If you text this number with the word “SHELTER” and your zip code, you can find open shelters.
County alerts
For most Bay Area counties, you can sign up for local government and public safety alerts, including emergency warnings, through Nixle by sending your zip code to 888-777.
You can also fill out an online registration form to receive alerts by phone or email for some Bay Area counties. Search your local county government website for information about registration in Marin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sonoma, and Solano counties.
You can also receive useful information from emergency alerts shared on county and other government Twitter accounts.
San Francisco: SF_Em Emergency
Contra Costa: ContraCostaFire, CCCounty, CoCoCWS
Marin: @AlertMarin, @MarinSheriff, @MarinCountyFire
Alameda: AlamedaCoAlert, AlamedaCoFire, ACSOSheriffs
Napa: napacountyfire, napasheriff, and CountyofNapa
San Mateo: matesanmateoco, SMCSheriff and anSanMateoPD
Santa Clara: sccfiredept, SCCGov, SCC_OES
Solano: SolanoFire, SolanoSheriff, SolanoCountyEMS
Sonoma: CountyofSonoma and SonomaSheriff
Cal Fire: CAL_FIRE
Wireless emergency alerts
Federal agencies such as the National Weather Service and local governments use a system called Wireless Emergency Alerts to communicate with most cell phones. Alerts are usually accompanied by a sound and vibration pattern so that users can determine their importance.
But in areas with poor or no cell phone service, alerts may be significantly delayed or not delivered. Some people have reported that they did not receive basic emergency alerts when they were supposed to. Apps, other messaging systems that rely on Wi-Fi networks, and data plans may help fill in the gaps left by the Wireless Emergency Alert System.
The Federal Emergency Alert System is a separate system that uses broadcasters and satellite service providers to broadcast emergency warnings to television and radio. If you don’t have access to cellular service or the Internet, turning on the radio or television during an emergency can help you get the important information you need.
Both WEA and EAS are part of the integrated public warning and alert system, which also uses digital road signs and sirens as alternate warning mechanisms.
Main hardware
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services recommend that families have the option of emergency charging of cell phones in the event of a power outage. Be sure to keep at least one spare charger in your emergency preparedness kit.
Most state and local emergency preparedness lists recommend looking for a battery-powered or manual radio so you can get information if you don’t have access to the Internet or any cell-based technologies. Some listings also recommend additional batteries and a flash drive or cloud-based storage with scans of important documents, such as insurance information.
If cellular networks and the Internet go down during a natural disaster, satellite phones can be an option to stay connected because they rely on a network of satellites unaffected by natural disasters.
Although their prices are high, there are a few satellite phones recommended for emergency use, including the Inmarsat IsatPhone 2 and Iridium 9555. Some retailers have offered Inmarsat for free along with an annual plan, and it may be worth it. Explore whether you’re willing to spend $50 to $100 a year to keep a satellite phone active in an emergency.
Sources 2/ https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/What-to-know-about-the-ShakeAlert-system-16499864.php The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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