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The insurance claim for the earthquake-destroyed Christchurch Heritage Building is finally settled


Dean Williams / Stuff

The earthquake-ravaged Peterborough apartments in central Christchurch have been empty for more than a decade.

The owner of the historic Peterborough Apartments in Christchurch has settled his earthquake insurance claim after nearly a decade of negotiations.

The neo-Gothic heritage building, built in the 1920s, has remained empty since it was damaged in the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes. A settlement may eventually allow for its restoration.


In 2014, urban explorers photographed the yard and deserted interior of Peterborough apartments.

It was saved from almost certain demolition when construction company Ceres bought it in 2012 for $19 million.

Ceres bought 37 apartments from each individual owner, including former Prime Minister Helen Clark, and pledged to spend another $25 million on restoration.

Read more: * Apartment tower among ideas for Christchurch’s Victoria Palace * Insurance problems delay progress on Christchurch’s ‘dirty 30’ list of abandoned properties * Salvaging the old: Some good news for Christchurch’s heritage buildings

A Ceres spokesperson said the insurance issues have now been resolved, but there is no date for restoration to begin.

“There are a number of issues remaining that we are in the process of resolving with the previous owners and no work can start until this is completed.

“However, we are in discussions regarding future plans for the building but cannot at this point give advice on the expected timeframes.”

UrbanEx / Stuff

A walkway in an abandoned heritage building photographed in 2014 reveals the extent of some of the damage caused by the earthquake.

A spokeswoman for Christchurch City Council said the building had been removed from the list of barrier sites, a list of abandoned buildings that had been identified as impediments to rebuilding the city.

The site at 25 Peterborough Street has been moved to the ‘Commitment to Action’ list and council staff have had informal discussions with the landowner.

Press Archives / Stuff

The building’s decorative staircase, complete with a stained-glass window, photographed 1927.

Diane White Johnson, the former Peterborough apartment owner, said she was unaware of any obligations to her from the new owner.

“We have all been paid… I would be very happy to see her fully restored and to find her happy self again.”

The building was previously home to the Teacher Training College, but was converted into apartments in the late 1990s.

Press Archives / Stuff

The courtyard at the back of the Peterborough apartments in 1959 when the building was a teacher training college.

In the aftermath of the 2011 Canterbury earthquakes, the apartments were feared to be one of many heritage buildings demolished in the aftermath of the disaster.

The corporate body of apartment owners did not have the funds to strengthen the building and renovate it.

Construction company Ceres, overseen by Florida-based owner David McIntyre, has invested nearly $40 million in real estate and development projects in Christchurch in the years after the earthquake.

Press Archives / Stuff

A view from the street of the heritage building in 1937.

The company purchased Amuri Courts on Bealey Ave, the Victoria Palace on the corner of Victoria and Montreal Streets, and commercial space on Antigua St.

In 2012, McIntyre said he was proud to save the Peterborough Building from demolition.

“We believe retention will be seen as an important cornerstone of the rebuilding and will play an important role by reinforcing the new structure that will ultimately be the heart of the new Christchurch.

“What better gift to this society than Ceres is to save this building than to tip it?”

Don Scott/Staff

Former apartment owner Dee White Johnson, pictured outside the building in 2011, would like to see his restoration.




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