Looking back, before the anniversary of the worst American volcanic disaster
Monday is a day for history buffs.
Today marks the fortieth anniversary of one of the worst natural disasters in US history, when Mount St. Helens, in southern Washington State, erupted near the Oregon border.
To this day, it is still the largest volcanic eruption in the history of the United States, and its effects are still visible in the surrounding environment after four decades.
How it all happened
In March 1980, a series of earthquakes rocked the lands of Mount St. Helen, raising fears that volcanic activity was imminent, according to Live Science.
Mount St. Helens had had no activity at that point since the 1840s and 1840s.
On March 27, the height of the mountain exploded, causing steam into the air and creating a 250-foot-wide crater during the summit, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.
On May 17, the northern side of the volcano swelled 450 feet horizontal, indicating that the magma was rising towards the top.
The next morning, a 5.1-magnitude earthquake was recorded one mile below the volcano, causing USGS volcanologist David Johnston, who had centered about 6 miles from the volcano at the camping site, to say “this is” in a radio message, according to Live sciences.
It turned out to be Johnston’s last move.
Seconds later, the explosion occurred.
The damage that happened
When everything was said and done, the explosion led to the following massacre:
57 people were killed, an estimated 540 million tons of ash were swept up in the air and settled in seven neighboring states, hundreds of square miles of land were converted to barren land, causing damage to about a billion dollars, killing thousands of animals, and more than 200 homes destroyed Over 185 miles of roads and 15 miles of railways, sewage systems have been blocked, and Spirit Lake, a popular tourist and leisure destination down the mountain, has been covered with ash and debris. His bed was raised 200 feet, what does the future hold?
Damage to Lake Spirit is still felt to this day, and has caused some nerves, according to Yahoo.
There are approximately 73 billion gallons of water in the lake, which is hampered by debris by the explosion.
There is no natural drain – a 1.6 mile tunnel was built in 1985 to provide a drain valve for the lake, but faults and degradation frequently distort this valve.
If there is a major earthquake or other disaster, the water can flow and cause incredible floods to the neighboring cities.
Then there is the issue of the volcano itself.
Mount St. Helen imagines it will erupt again at some point, but of course, he predicts the date is virtually impossible.
Certainly, when America woke up on this day 40 years ago, no one could have predicted the tragic history that was about to unfold.
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