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The Great California Shake will be in 2021 on Thursday

The Great California Shake will be in 2021 on Thursday


LOS ANGELES (CNS) – People in government offices, businesses and schools across Los Angeles County will pause everything for a minute Thursday to “drop, cover and wait” during statewide earthquake preparedness drills, now in their 13th year.

The Great California ShakeOut of 2021 is scheduled for 10:21 a.m. Thursday.

What you need to know ShakeOut noted that more than 7.5 million Californians are scheduled to participate in the exercises “what we do to prepare now, before the next big earthquake, will determine how well we can survive and recover,” according to a statement posted on ShakeOut. .org According to, the goal is to emphasize precautions during an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 or greater along the southern portion of the San Andreas Fault. 7.5 earthquake or higher will hit Los Angeles in the next two decades

“What we do to prepare now, before the next major earthquake strikes, will determine our ability to survive and recover,” according to a statement posted on “Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills are annual opportunities to learn and practice earthquake safety with millions of people.”

The ShakeOut website noted that more than 7.5 million Californians are scheduled to participate in the exercises. During last year’s event, which was hypothetical in most places due to the coronavirus public health shutdown, about 6.5 million people statewide registered to participate.

The exercises began in 2008. According to the ShakeOut website, approximately 2.364 million people have registered to participate in the exercises in Los Angeles County and 741,569 are registered in Orange County. Participants include the municipalities of Los Angeles, Burbank, Beverly Hills, Calabasas, Culver City and Long Beach.

“As Californians, it is critical that we know what to do and take the necessary steps to prepare before the earthquake strikes, not after,” Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said. “Here in Los Angeles, we’ve made resilience a priority, retrofitting our most vulnerable buildings and providing earthquake early warning to protect Angelenos’ lives and property.”

According to, the goal is to confirm precautions during an earthquake of magnitude 7.8 or greater along the southern portion of the San Andreas Fault. The US Geological Survey says there is a 31% chance that an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 or higher will occur in Los Angeles in the next two decades.

Officials say such a tectonic shift could produce waves of motion for hundreds of miles, over a four-minute period. According to the USGS, about 2,000 people will die, tens of thousands will be injured and more than $200 billion in damages will result. The disaster will be 50 times more powerful than the Northridge earthquake, which occurred on January 17, 1994, with a magnitude of 6.7.

Hundreds of aftershocks will occur — a few of which are roughly the size of the original earthquake, according to the USGS.

In 2019, the exercises came just over three months after the earthquakes that struck Ridgecrest in early July. The quakes of magnitude 6.4 and 7.1 caused extensive damage to roads and structures in the small village, which lies south of the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station.

Californians must be prepared to be self-sufficient for 72 hours after a major disaster. This includes getting a first aid kit, medication, food and water for each family member to drink one gallon a day, according to local and state officials.

Homeowners and renters should also know how to turn off the gas in their residence in the event of a leak.

On Wednesday, the American Red Cross reminded people to find a cover under a table or sturdy piece of furniture and cling to it during the earthquake. She also explained that the use of doorways as protection is a myth. People who are outside when the earthquake strikes should stay away from buildings, power lines, trees, and street lights and fall to the ground until the shaking stops. Motorists should stay away from bridges, overpasses and power lines during an earthquake and find a clear place to stop.

The Metro Transit System on Tuesday announced an expanded implementation of the Earthquake Early Warning System in preparation for ShakeOut. The system is on all bus and rail divisions and uses the USGS ShakeAlert system to detect earthquakes of magnitude 4.8 or greater and give people a few extra seconds of warning. Metro believes its ShakeAlert deployment is the largest early warning system installation at a US transit agency.

California has a statewide earthquake early warning system that sends emergency alerts to people’s smartphones. People can receive alerts by downloading the MyShake app at for iPhone or Android users with updated operating systems receive Android Earthquake alerts automatically using MyShake app technology.





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