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The global earthquake safety movement “ShakeOut” has more than 30 million participants in 2021


From practicing Drop, Cover, and Hold On to learning how to “secure your space” and organizing key supplies and documents, people around the world are improving their earthquake preparedness with ShakeOut!

Published: October 21, 2021 at 4:01 am GMT | Updated: 28 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES, Oct 21, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills, a global earthquake safety movement, encourages people to practice annually how to protect themselves during shaking to reduce injuries and even loss of life. In 2021, 30 million people participate in ShakeOut, and more than 15.5 million are training on International ShakeOut Day this Thursday, October 21. There’s still time to join ShakeOut this year: register to participate in any ShakeOut .org that suits you best.

ShakeOut exercise participants recommended earthquake safety measures for a variety of situations, such as what to do if you are near an office or sturdy table, in a stadium or theater, along the coast, commuting by car or public transportation, or if you have a disability In motion:

(PRNewsfoto/Earthquake Country Alliance)

“ShakeOut is a way to increase community resilience at all levels,” said Mark Benthen, Global ShakeOut Coordinator and Director of Communications at USC’s Southern California Earthquake Center. “Earthquakes can be sudden and violent, but if we take steps to prepare ourselves, those around us, and structures that we rely on every day, we can significantly reduce its effects.”

ShakeOut organizers suggest that people also follow the Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety, which begins with Step 1: Securing your space, to help mitigate earthquake casualties and damage as well.

Media events:

California: Join The Great “Online” California ShakeOut on Thursday, October 21, anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. PT on YouTube Live:

Eastern and Central US: Join the East Coast/Southeast Online ShakeOut on Thursday, October 21, 9:45 – 10:25 AM ET, or the Central US/State Online ShakeOut from 9:45-10: 25 CT, all hosted on Facebook Live! See for a list of Facebook Pages showing more details about the events.

media resources: – Guidelines for promoting and reporting ShakeOut, lists of ShakeOut media sites, recent releases, and contacts – B-Roll, static graphics, and animated GIFs to help inform public readiness and ShakeOut

Media contact:

Jason Balman, Southern California Seismic Center, Great Vibration Outside Earthquake Drill [email protected] is managed by the Southern California Seismic Center (SCEC) at the University of Southern California, with funding from the National Science Foundation, the US Geological Survey, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

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SOURCE Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill

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