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DVIDS – News – The 85th Civil Support Team responds in times of need


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah – What started out as a low rumble, like a large truck traveling near the house, quickly transformed into swaying picture frames, and the house roaring, then, a strange feeling of imbalance. While sitting at my office desk at home, I jumped and ran to the entrance. There I met my wife in the hallway, who was working in the next room just moments ago, and had a similar experience.

This can’t be an earthquake, right? Without hesitation, we caught our dog, and we ran out of the front door.

Although it may seem unusual for Utah, earthquakes are not uncommon. According to the Utah Geological Survey, Utah has experienced 17 earthquakes greater than 5.5 since 1847. While it is not directly on the fault line, earthquakes in the western part of the state are usually associated with the Pacific Panel, and earthquakes to the east are generally related to coal mining activities.

On March 18, members of the 85th Weapon of Mass Destruction Team – the National Guard’s Civilian Support Team in Utah, were called to an industrial facility near Magna, Utah, a 5.7-meter earthquake epicenter earlier that morning, to help with chemical spills.

“We got the call from Unified Fire,” said Major Todd Christensen, leader of the 85th Science and Technology Commission. The earthquake spilled hydrochloric acid in an industrial facility [near Magna, Utah]. Because of everything that was happening, the Unified Fire mission was overlooked and there was concern about the direct threat to public safety of these chemicals. “

CST has deployed a survey team on PPE, along with equipment that exposes HCl. Once the operators were able to visualize the extent of the spill, they tested the area and determined that there was no direct threat to public safety.

Using the Analytical System system vehicle, which contains a full set of analysis equipment to support the complete characterization of an unknown risk, the team trust committee was confident of notifying the incident leader that the area was considered safe for first responders and the community.

“When we deploy, it is important to understand that we are working for the accident leader,” Christensen stressed. “We don’t control the scene. We are going directly to support the incident leader in making sure the threats to the public are mitigated.”

CST is a nation’s defense unit, whose primary mission is to support civilian authorities in responding to chemical, biological, and nuclear threats, to include weapons of mass destruction, within the homeland. While they are trained to respond to such threats, day-to-day operations consist of helping first responders analyze and identify unknown clients somewhere, respond to HAZMAT incidents that overwhelm local capabilities, and work in confined spaces.

They operate a unique set of equipment including a driving vehicle,
Operations trailer, Unified Command Suite, a mobile analytical laboratory system with a full set of chemical, biological and radiological analysis equipment, giving them the ability to test suspected factors at the scene of the accident, and a unique ability that the country can send within 90 minutes .

“The partner agencies we work with, specifically the fire department of this agency, are very good at HAZMAT operations,” said Lt. Col. Robert Dent, medical officer of the 85th Technical Assistance Committee, which discusses earthquake response. “They took immediate steps to protect the public, and when we attended, the main task at hand was to enter and characterize the leak.”

One of the challenges CST faces, Dent said is the great diversity of training and preparation for a variety of potential assignments.

“Our mission can be anything from the illegal drug lab, to large-scale industrial spills, to urban search and rescue. Each of these requires a different skill set.”

CST members receive over 650 hours of HAZMAT and high-tech training from agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency. Through initial skills training, on-the-job training, and various certifications, the 22 full-time National Guard and Army can conduct countless operations.

The CST is made up of various components, including leadership, operations, logistics, medical, and survey teams.

“We also have an assistant doctor and a doctor on the team who can provide surveillance and medical care for our soldiers and pilots on the team,” Christensen added. “They can advise the accident leader or other first responders, including hospitals, on how to treat, disinfect, and deal with factors that the population or first responders may be exposed to.”

In addition, nearly a third of the CST provides support for the COVID-19 response, and has been serving on the country task force since its inception. Help create test and quarantine protocols, actual test, and sample transfer to the state’s public health laboratory.

“Because of the skills we develop in carrying out our mission, we have been able to transfer these directly to support the country,” said Christensen. “We have a medical planner from the team that helps the Ministry of Health, as well as the physician’s assistant and the scientific officer who works on the Governor’s Working Group for COVID-19.”

There are 57 WMD-CST across America’s states and territories including Washington, DC, two in California, Florida, and New York, all on standby 24/7/365. From chemical spills, drug epidemics, nuclear detection and more, the mission of the CST is extensive, but indispensable.

So, the next time you feel the ground beneath you, rest assured, the 85 CST of Utah’s National Guard is ready within a moment to respond.

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