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The world’s deepest earthquake at 467 miles could change the way scientists look at earthquakes


Scientists are currently trying to confirm a record-breaking earthquake. If they succeed, it will fundamentally change how geologists see earthquakes.

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The deepest earthquake in the world

A large number of earthquakes occur within a few hundred miles of the Earth’s surface. Scientists were puzzled six years ago when a deep-rooted earthquake shook the globe. We’re not talking about the typical range of a few dozen miles.

We’re talking hundreds of miles below the Earth’s surface, where it was previously thought that a typical earthquake wouldn’t be possible due to the extreme temperature and pressure.

The unlikely earthquake occurred 467 miles below the planet’s surface, in a layer known as the lower mantle. There has been evidence of earthquakes in the lower mantle here and there, but scientists have never been able to locate them.

Douglas Wiens is one of the researchers who thinks this is sufficient evidence. He’s a seismologist at Washington University in St. Louis who specializes in deep earthquakes. Despite the fact that he was not a member of the research team, he had his own opinions about the event.

“This is by far the best evidence of an earthquake in the lower mantle,” Wiens told National Geographic.

Heidi Houston also spoke with the outlet about what she thinks. Houston is a geophysicist at the University of Southern California who specializes in deep earthquakes. She was not, like Wiens, a member of the research team.

Also read: Experts: Taiwan earthquakes caused by seasonal changes in water levels

Do deep earthquakes happen often?

Earthquakes don’t happen often.

In fact, most earthquakes are fairly shallow. Between 1976 and 2020, a total of 56,832 moderate to large earthquakes were recorded. Only about 18% of those were more than 43 miles deep. Moving forward, only approximately 4% of the hits were less than 186 miles away.

This is the standard cut depth for a “deep earthquake” rating. As you might expect, a 7.9 earthquake 467 miles away is somewhat unusual.

Scientists and academics from around the world are still trying to figure out how these earthquakes occurred in the first place.

(Photo: Getty Images)

superficial fragility

When it comes to surface tremors, the explanation is simple: tectonic plates increase pressure until the Earth cracks and moves. The tremors of the earthquake are then noticed and felt

This is not the case, however, in the depths of the world. These vibrations are prevented by excessively high pressure.

“Everything is compressed very hard in all directions,” Houston said.

Buildings, bridges, pipelines, trains, bridges and other infrastructure can be severely damaged by surface tremors. The strength of the ground vibrations and the behavior of the foundation soil are related to the type and amount of damage to it.

The effects of a major earthquake in the hardest-hit region, known as the mesothelial zone, are often multifaceted and dependent on the topography and composition of surface materials. On loose silt and loose sediments, it is generally more severe than on hard rock.

Within the Earth’s core, the rocks act more like putty than solid chunks, according to Magali Bellen, a geodynamic scientist at the University of California, Davis. So, what might cause an earthquake? This is an issue that researchers are still researching.

Related article: Can pets anticipate an upcoming earthquake? The frighteningly stunning animal visualization may be the key

For more news and updates on earthquakes and similar topics, don’t forget to follow Nature World News!

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