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Real Salt Lake leads 1-0 in ‘disappointing’ 4-3 loss to San Jose


San Jose Earthquakes forward Christian Espinosa (10) is congratulated by his teammates after scoring a goal during the first half of a Major League Soccer game against Real Salt Lake, July 27, 2020, in Kissimmee, Florida. Over RSL Saturday at Rio Tinto Stadium. (Phelan M. Ebenhak, The Associated Press)

Estimated reading time: 6-7 minutes

SANDY – A lot could change in Major League Soccer in three days, since the last time Real Salt Lake held a midweek road game in the Dallas area.

A lot can change in 60 minutes, too.

Chris Wondolofsky scored the go-ahead in first-half stoppage time, and Cady Coyle and Jackson Yoel added a second-half goal to help the San Jose Earthquakes overturn an early deficit and grab the three points from RSL 4-3 on Saturday afternoon. At the Rio Tinto stadium.

Albert Rusnak scored two goals, Michael Chang added another, and Aaron Herrera provided assists for Real Salt Lake (13-14-6, 45 points), which had a chance to secure a place in the MLS Cup playoffs but ended. With his second loss to an opponent who has already been eliminated in three matches.

“Given how far we’ve come this season, with two games remaining at the end of the season and playoffs pushed for so many teams – it’s as disappointing as it comes,” said Rusnak. “It was all in our hands up to this point. Now depending on the other results, it may still be in our hands and it may not be.

“It’s a tough game today, because I felt like the majority of the match, we played some good things. I felt we could have added two more goals, sure, but when the chances don’t shift, they get some second life.”

With nothing to play in the season, the already disqualified Earthquakes (11-13-10, 43 points) penalized RSL for trying to prevent the 1-0 lead from slipping between their fingers.

Pass and move.

Rusnak and Kreilach gather for the first time in realsaltlake!

Major League Soccer (MLS) October 30, 2021

Rusnak gave RSL an early lead with a right-footed shot from the center of the penalty area from the penalty spot from Damir Krelac. The captain’s ninth goal of the season came from a cross from Andrew Brody in the area and gave the hosts a lead during the first half.

It was as good a start as Salt Lake had hoped. Then suddenly, it wasn’t.

Carlos Fierro equalized in Earthquakes’ first shot on goal, with a goal in the half-time from a cross from the right side that was converted in the 37th minute.

RSL outscored San Jose 9-6 in the first half, including 6-2 on goal with 54% of possession. But Wondolovsky equalized in the last minute of first-half stoppage time to give San Jose a 2-1 lead in the first half.

Moments after receiving a corner kick, San Jose found the net through the top scorer in MLS history, who scored his 170th career goal from Fierro’s cross past the corner flag to put Quakes ahead 2-1 at the break.

“We took the lead, but it means nothing at the moment,” Rusnak said in the first half.

“We were disappointed at half,” Rusnak later added. “The last kick in the first half, we conceded 2-1, which is a different story at 1-1 and 2-1. Then obviously in the second half, we kept thinking. It was nothing new for us – but we had to sacrifice more bodies. In the attack, which made us more open in the back.

“San Jose didn’t play a playoff or anything today, so their players stayed up high and wide, and they punished us. They took advantage of the spaces we left behind.”

It is difficult to receive a target. It’s hard to compromise right before the half-with or without what the hosts might consider questionable.

“It’s even more difficult to concede before the first half, because you have 15 minutes to do that mental talk in your mind as a player,” said Pablo Mastrowini, interim RSL manager. “Instead of continuing on to the next play, you have time to focus on it.

“I thought we played some of our best things and then got a little sloppy…give us the ball on the cheap against a team that likes to fall apart.”

RSL was the first to walk out of the locker room to change their fortunes after the break. But it was San Jose who took advantage of the first advantage in the second half.

Coyle blasted 60 yards off early in the second half, headed home and made his way home with his right foot from the edge of the six-yard box to double the Earthquakes’ advantage in the 69th minute 3-1. James Marcinkowski scored a rare in-play goalkeeper assist, hitting the ball into the field after Salt Lake threw numbers on the block in a set piece to find Coyle for the crucial third goal from the visitors.

Yueill finished the score in the 80th minute, snapping a masked Nick Besler on the edge of the penalty area and finishing off with a cold kick down the middle of the lane.

Zhang narrowed the difference in the 85th minute for RSL, finishing off a Herrera cross attempted by Anderson Julio before the Cuban winger finished inside the far post to pull the hosts down within 4-2 before Rusnak scored his second stoppage time goal for the last margin in. A match that seemed random but contains all the signs of a typical seismogram.

A lot can change in no time in Major League Soccer, especially for clubs hanging around the fringes of a post-season bubble like RSL did last month.

Objective #RSL

Michael Chang brings the person back.

Major League Soccer (MLS) October 30, 2021

On Wednesday, Real Salt Lake stared as they trailed 1–0 down the road against previously eliminated FC Dallas. The team’s hopes for the supplement weren’t officially on the line, but it felt that way.

But with Justin Meram’s late submersible and two dynamic passes later, Salt Lake was pulling away from Frisco with its second win on the hoops. That gave them three points and catapulted them over the playoff streak to seventh in the Western Conference – with a chance to secure their fate after the season over the weekend.

With Saturday’s win, RSL could have clinched a playoff berth — albeit with help. The club needed Minnesota to lose to Kansas City and LAFC to lose or draw to Vancouver, or LAFC to lose or draw Vancouver and LA Galaxy to lose or draw to Seattle.

Those matches are not scheduled until Sunday or Monday. But every scenario started with a common denominator: victory over earthquakes.

Even that was too much for the RSL team playing their penultimate home game.

Every game is a must now, and Wednesday’s regular season final against Portland (8 p.m. GMT, ESPN2) definitely fits the bills. But a match with the Timbers, who are chasing themselves in a playoff at home at 15-13-4 and fourth in the West, may be more important than that.

“In professional sports, you have to have a short memory,” Mastrowini said. “You can’t just sit there and celebrate the wins, you have to dust off the flick of the losses. The important thing for me is that the players got stuck there, even after losing 4-1. I know that sounds silly, but it says a lot about wanting to keep going. That’s what we’ll face against Portland.”

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