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Yellowstone volcano shakes 267 earthquakes as fears of volcano eruption “too late” | science | News

Yellowstone volcano shakes 267 earthquakes as fears of volcano eruption “too late” |  science |  News


Yellowstone National Park in the northwestern United States is home to the Yellowstone Giant Caldera, one of the most seismically active areas in the country. Geologists estimate that up to 3,000 earthquakes strike the park each year due to the movement of fault lines and scorching hot water deep underground. Not surprisingly, the USGS’ Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) branch recorded more than 260 tremors in the park and surrounding areas last month alone.

According to the latest Yellowstone activity report published this week, the University of Utah seismological stations detected a total of 267 earthquakes in the park in October.

The strongest of these was a minor earthquake of magnitude 2.6 just four miles east-northeast of the Norris Geyser Basin on October 4.

During this time, geologists also recorded a total of three seismic swarms.

The first period lasted from 1 to 15 October, saw a total of 109 quakes, and was a continuation of a swarm that began on 19 September.

Another swarm of 21 earthquakes began on October 1 and ended on October 8, and another 29 earthquakes struck between October 4 and 8.

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In any given month, Yellowstone Park experiences 100 to 300 earthquakes, half of which usually come in the form of swarms.

These can sometimes amount to more than 1,000 earthquakes in a single month, although experts have emphasized that these are not out of the norm.

“Yellowstone earthquake activity remains at background levels,” the USGS said.

Despite its seismic activity and terrifying past, scientists do not believe that the Yellowstone volcano poses any current threat to the United States.

However, many people live in the misconception that the supervolcano is too late to erupt.

“No one is saying how much carbon dioxide will be released when the 1,500-year-delayed supervolcano under Yellowstone National Park ‘blows’,” said Anthony, whose username is @AnthonyG1382.

But there is absolutely no evidence to support any of these claims, according to the USGS.

The group said, “First of all, one cannot provide repetition intervals on the basis of only two values. They would be statistically meaningless.

“But for those who insist…let’s do the math. The three eruptions occurred 2.1 million, 1.3 million and 0.64 million years ago.

“So the two periods are 0.8 and 0.66 million years, with an average of 0.73 million years.

“Again, the last eruption was 0.64 million years ago, which means we’re still roughly 90,000 years away from the time we might consider calling Yellowstone another caldera-forming volcanic eruption.”

But these were caldera-forming volcanic eruptions, and Yellowstone has experienced other periods of lesser volcanism since then.

Since the last major eruption 640,000 years ago, Yellowstone has experienced at least 80 non-eruptive events, including 27 rhyolite flows in the caldera.

The US Geological Survey added, “The most likely type of eruption will not be volcanic but hydrothermal.

“This type of small, but still explosive, volcanic eruption can occur from shallow reservoirs of steam or hot water rather than from molten rock.”




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