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Video + Story: Earthquake Damage Leads to Quick Rehabilitation of EPWater Tank


The Sunset Heights station and pump restoration was already part of El Paso Water’s capital improvement plan. After all, the facility built in the early 1920s is one of the oldest buildings in El Paso Water.

But then the earthquake happened.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey, a 5.0 magnitude earthquake shook near Menton, Texas on March 26 at around 9:16 am CST.

Although it was about 175 miles and three miles below the surface, it was felt by many Baswan. It was felt by a 100-year-old tank.

“The tank started leaking,” said Trades Helper Christopher Aguilar, who was among the many EPWater employees who responded to the scene. “It started to leak from below, at the base of the mountain where the reservoir structure meets the ground.”

After drying and fully cleaning the reservoir to check the damages, it was quickly clear that the improvement project would need to be expanded due to the extensive damages of the reservoir, most of which are due to age and preceding the earthquake.

On May 13, the Public Service Council approved a $ 7 million emergency rehabilitation project that will include fully enclosing the structure with high-strength polymeric concrete, reinforcing structural beams, replacing patio tubes inside the tank as well as some inoperable valves.

“The lining to be used is carbon reinforced concrete that exceeds 10,000 psi,” said technical chief Gilbert Trejo. By comparison, the concrete used in the construction of foundations and interstate highways is around 4000-5000 psi. This polymer concrete will allow us to have a stronger structure than if we had built a new structure. “

Alan Schubert, VP of Operations and Technical Services, says the project allows EPWater to maintain service in the region while preserving the historical significance of the site.

“It’s a structure completely surrounded by development, so it’s not an option to demolish it and build something new,” he said. “In addition, this is a historic building in a historic building. The last thing we want to do is to destroy part of El Paso’s history.”

The construction is expected to begin this summer. Because the other tank is operational, the water service in the area will continue with limited interruptions.

Sunset tank Photo courtesy EP Water

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