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The giant tectonic plate under the Indian Ocean is broken into two parts


The giant tectonic plate underneath the Indian Ocean is undergoing rocky disintegration … with itself.

A new study concluded that in a short time (geologically) this plate will be divided into two parts.

For humans, however, this separation will take forever. The plate, known as the tectonic plate between India and Australia, is divided into helix speed – about 0.06 inch (1.7 mm) per year. Otherwise, in a million years, the two pieces of the plate would be about one mile (1.7 km) further away than they are now.

“It is not a rapidly moving structure, but it is still important compared to the other limits of the planet,” said researcher co-author Aurelie Kudurier Curfour, a prominent research fellow in marine earth sciences at the Institute of Earth Physics in Paris.

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For example, the Dead Sea error in the Middle East moves about twice this rate, or 0.2 inches (0.4 cm) a year, while the San Andreas fault in California moves about 10 times faster, about 0.7 inches (1.8 cm) a year.

The plate divides very slowly and is still under water, so the researchers have almost missed what they call “the boundaries of the fledgling plate.” But two massive signs – two strong earthquakes that arose in a strange spot in the Indian Ocean – indicated that the changing forces of the Earth were in full swing.

On April 11, 2012, an earthquake with a magnitude of 8.6 and a magnitude of 8.2 struck beneath the Indian Ocean near Indonesia. Earthquakes did not occur along the subduction zone, as a tectonic plate slides beneath another. Instead, these earthquakes arose in a strange place from where earthquakes occurred – in the middle of the plate.

These earthquakes, as well as other geological clues, indicate that a kind of deformation occurs underground in an area known as the Wharton Basin. This distortion was not at all unexpected; Capricorn India-Australia-Capricorn is not a single cohesive unit.

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“It’s like a puzzle,” Coudurier-Curveur told Live Science. “It is not one single plate. There are three panels that are bound in one way or another and move in the same direction together,” she said.

Map showing the Wharton Basin, with two earthquakes measuring 8.6 and 8.2 in 2012 (red and white points). Other earthquakes have also occurred in this region over the past few decades, probably due to the formation of new tectonic plate boundaries there. (Photo credit: Coudurier – Curveur, A. et al. Geophysical Research Letters (2020); CC BY 4.0)

The team looked at a specific fracture area in the Wharton basin where earthquakes arose. Two data sets on this area, collected by other scientists on research vessels in 2015 and 2016, revealed the topography of the fracture region. By recording the time it took for sound waves to bounce off the sea floor and sediment-lined sediments, ship scientists were able to map the geography of the dock. (The study was co-author by Satish Singh, Visiting Professor of Seismology at Earth Observatory in Singapore, Mission for 2015 Data Set).

When Coudurier-Curveur and her colleagues looked at the two data sets, they found evidence of towers, which are declines formed when slip errors. San Andreas mistake is perhaps the most famous slip error. These types of errors cause earthquakes when two blocks of Earth slide over one another horizontally. A good way to visualize this is to put your fists together and then move one forward and one back.

It is noteworthy that the team found 62 of these separate ponds along the drawn fracture area, which spanned nearly 217 miles (350 km), although they are likely to be taller, Coudurier-Curveur said. Some of these ponds were huge – up to 1.8 miles (3 km) wide and 5 miles (8 km) long.

What’s more, the dips were deeper in the south – 394 feet (120 meters) deep – and shallow in the north – as shallow as 16 feet (5 meters).

“This could mean the mistake of slipping into a more local strike on its southern border,” at least so far, Kudurier Corvoire said. She said that the term “local” means that vibration occurs in one major error, as opposed to “distributed,” which is when vibration occurs at several minor errors.

These basins, which began to form around 2.3 million years ago, followed a line that passes near 2012 earthquakes.

William Hawley, a seismologist at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University in New York who did not participate in the study, told Life Science: “It does not yet appear to be the boundary of a fully formed plate.” “But the message that is taken home is that it has become one, and it may be responsible for much of the deformation that we know is happening there.”

This map shows seafloor topography and deformation beneath it when a fracture occurs in the Wharton Basin. This fracture may have formed when the crust of the ocean formed, but now this fracture is converted to a new plate boundary. The
Purple dips indicate a slip error, which is the same type of error as that of San Andreas in California. (Photo credit: Aurélie Coudurier-Curveur; Coudurier – Curveur, A. et al. Geophysical Research Letters (2020); CC BY 4.0) Why is the error there?

Coudurier-Curveur indicated that the fracture region, which is a weakness in the oceanic crust, was not formed by earthquakes. Instead, these negative cracks formed, in part, when a new oceanic crust appeared from the edge of the middle of the ocean (the boundary between the plates where the magma came out) and cracked due to the curvature of the Earth.

Now, this break zone is reset. “Nature loves to use weaknesses, [it] “He loves to use what is already there,” said Coudurier-Curveur.

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And because different parts of Capitol-India move at different speeds, this break zone, which was once just a negative crack, has become the new frontier for dividing the board into two pieces, she said.

However, because the split between India and Australia and Capricorn is occurring very slowly, another strong earthquake will probably not occur along this specific error for another 20,000 years, the researchers said. What’s more, it would take tens of millions of years before the split was completed, Coudurier-Curveur said.

“It has long been assumed that this [fracture] Oliver Gagutz, an associate professor of geology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who was not involved in the study, said vulnerabilities could be the birthplace where new plate boundaries such as subduction zones or slip boundaries are formed.

If anything, the study reminds us that plate tectonics is constantly moving.

“The panels are being formed and constantly destroyed on the ground,” Jagutz told “Life Science” in an email. “Detailed studies like these will allow us to better understand how the puzzle of the slabs that formed the outermost layer of Earth formed and evolved.”

The study was published online on March 11 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

It was originally published on Live Science.

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