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Results of an updated analysis of African trypanosomiasis trends in humans from 2000 to 2018


A detailed analysis of human trypanosomiasis data in humans was systematically collected by the WHO during 2000-2018. Years in the Atlas of the HAT. published in PloS NTDs showing an updated picture of elimination trends in this disease.

Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), also known as sleeping sickness, is a deadly disease transmitted by tsetse flies, causing epidemics in Africa at various times in the 20th century. Over the past twenty years, enormous efforts have been made by a broad coalition
stakeholders suppressed the latest epidemic, and the WHO aimed to eliminate it as a public health problem in 2012.

The analysis of global indicators and milestones of the WHO NTD roadmaps has been updated to 2018 and was recently published. Disease outbreaks, geographical distribution and surveillance activities show that:

  • There were 977 cases of NRA in 2018, which is less than 2,164 in 2016.
  • The NRA area with moderate or high risk has been reduced to less than 200,000 square kilometers. More than half of this area is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Health facilities that provide diagnosis and treatment of NRA have increased since the last study, while active screening is maintained at similar levels.

The number of cases, the main global indicator, is already within the 2020 target (ie 2,000 cases). Areas with moderate or higher risk (ie> 1 case / 10,000 people per year) are also approaching the 2020 target

Ie 90% reduction (638,000 km2) from
baseline 2000–2004. (709,000 km2). The reliability of these data is supported by the increased coverage of the population at risk by surveillance and surveillance activities, which provides strong evidence that global disease eradication is advancing.

New indicators have recently been developed to assess the endemic status of countries and to evaluate the removal of NRAs as a public health problem at the national level. Current results with these indicators are also presented, showing how eight countries are
meet the requirements to request validation (i.e. Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Mali, Rwanda and Togo), while in other countries greater efforts are needed in supervision, control or both.

The NRA community must now prepare to end the transfer of the NRA gambiense (WHO target 2030), preparing for both expected challenges (eg funding, coordination, integration of NRA control into regular health systems, more tailored tools,
cryptic reservoirs trypanosomes, etc.) and for the unexpected.

It is important to note that in the Rhodesian form of the disease, which accounts for a small portion of the total burden of HAT, the detection problem is on the rise and a challenge that must be addressed. Also, because of the role of capital
In the animal reservoir, removal of Rhodesian HAT transmission is not envisaged at this stage.

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