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Cyprus High gets a new campus

Cyprus High gets a new campus


For over 100 years, Cyprus High has been in the heart of Magna.

Generations of families attended school in the foothills of the Oquirrh, and newcomers to the town of nearly 30,000 soon learned to incorporate Cypriot gold and blue into their lives.

But as much as the school’s ethos has persisted over the decades, the building itself has suffered setbacks.

The pirate’s house – the school’s mascot – was closed in 1981 due to soil problems. In marine terms, the ship began to sink. Despite the school’s rebuilding, problems persist, especially in the wake of last year’s 5.7-magnitude earthquake that centered near Magna. Some parts of the school are over 100 years old. It even hosts some bats that flutter around.

However, the school is often very small. Pirates need a bigger boat.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Students speak at Cyprus High School on Friday, November 5, 2021. Construction is underway on a new campus in Cyprus.

So the Granite School District has chosen to build another home for Cyprus near 8400W and 4000S. Construction began earlier this month, and the school is set to open in the fall of 2025.

District spokesperson Ben Horsley said, “It is time for students, community, and Magna to have a fully inclusive high school, with all the amenities our students deserve.”

Mixing the old with the new

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Cyprus High School is on display Friday, November 5, 2021. Construction has begun on a new campus in Cyprus.

The current campus covers less than 40 acres, and serves more than 2,650 students. The new site is expected to be approximately 60 acres and be better sized to handle the expected growth of Magna in the next fifteen to twenty years.

The plan is to enhance and expand collaborative learning and sports spaces. In its current location, the pool used by the swim team is four lanes wide, making it difficult for the school to host competitions. The new pool is expected to have eight lanes.

The baseball team trains one mile from campus because it doesn’t have a field or space to build one. In 2025, the school will decorate its own baseball diamond.

Director Rob McDaniel knows a lot about the nostalgia that surrounds Cyprus. It was attended by three generations of his family. It was there during a two-year period in the 1980s, when students had to go to classes at nearby Brockbank Junior High School.

It was his job to get home and work with an ever-changing society.

“Magna is now not what it was when I went here,” he said. Now, with a more diverse student body, which includes international and overseas roots, and a growing city, there is a “big city feel” connected to the tight-knit suburban community 15 miles west of downtown Salt Lake City.

This new location represents a radical change, but the school and the district are working to keep Cyprus’ past and present alive in its future.

The New School’s interior colors, for example, will not change, and the facade will include a copper tone, honoring the school’s deep ties to the community with the copper industry.

“One of the things people who have been here say forever is that we have the letter C on the mountain. You can still see the letter C on the mountain from the new location, so it is, in a way, like ancient Cyprus.” “We definitely want to keep the core but we have fewer bats flying inside.”

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Cyprus High School, Friday, November 5, 2021.

The new site was a little out of town, but Magna annexed it in 2018. Even as construction crews start the new school this month, the surrounding area finds itself thriving, too. The school is located in the middle of the Little Valley Gateway, a 200-acre development by DR Horton.

“It’s actually in an ideal location,” said Trish Hall, Magna’s interim mayor. “This is where the growth is.”

Hull explained that apart from the development of 1,360 housing units Magna expects around the high school, there is still more land on which to sprout homes and businesses.

“What we understand from what the school district told us, it’s going to be state-of-the-art, cutting edge, technical, aerospace,” Hull said. “It really is the school of the 21st century.”

Waiting for more campus shuffling

Once the high school is ready to receive students in 2025, the school board can consider other uses for the current Cyprus site.

A high school may still be needed in this area, so an alternative is to reopen Brockbank Junior High at this location. When Brockbank closed in 2016, Cyprus switched to a grades 9-12 model, using both campuses to serve these students. Seventh and eighth graders transfer to Magna Matheson Junior High School.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Construction crews work at the new Cyprus High School in Magna, set to open in 2025, on Friday, November 5, 2021.

Magna Primary School is due to be rebuilt in the next decade, so opening space for it in the current Cyprus site may also be an option.

If the area decides to sell the property, Magna Township will have its first dips.

“We also realize that sometimes our school sites are the last remnants of open space in certain areas, so we try to work with our local and/or county municipalities in these kinds of situations when we have a surplus, to see if those spaces can be kept,” Horsley said. , if it was possible “.

But this decision lies in the future. At the moment, attention is focused on the new Cyprus and the construction of the pirate ship “C” that can sail for decades to come.

(Rick Egan | The Salt Lake Tribune) Construction crews work at the new Cyprus High School in Magna, set to open in 2025, on Friday, November 5, 2021.

Alixel Cabrera is a Corpsman for America who writes about the state of the communities on the western side of the Salt Lake Valley for the Salt Lake Tribune. Your donation to match RFA scholarship helps her write stories like this; Please consider giving a tax-free gift of any amount today by clicking here.





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