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Khartoum: Sudanese march against the army tightens its grip on power. 5 dead

Khartoum: Sudanese march against the army tightens its grip on power.  5 dead
Khartoum: Sudanese march against the army tightens its grip on power.  5 dead


Activists said that, on Saturday, Sudanese security forces fired live ammunition and tear gas to disperse protesters denouncing the army’s grip on the country, killing at least five and wounding many. The violence came as thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators took to the streets again across Sudan to protest against the military’s takeover of power last month. The coup sparked international criticism and mass protests in the streets of the capital, Khartoum, and elsewhere in the country. The security forces used live ammunition and tear gas to disperse the demonstrators in separate locations on Saturday. At least five protesters were killed, including four with live bullets and one from a tear gas canister, in Khartoum and its twin city Omdurman, according to the Sudan Doctors Committee. She added that several people were wounded, including gunshot wounds. The rallies, called by the pro-democracy movement, came two days after coup leader General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan appointed himself head of the Sovereignty Council, Sudan’s interim governing body. Thursday’s move infuriated the pro-democracy coalition and frustrated the United States and other countries who urged the generals to reverse their coup. “For me, this is an illegal council and this was a unilateral decision made by Al-Burhan alone. It was a decision by one person … without consulting,” said protester Wijdan Abbas, 45, a health care worker. Coalition for Freedom and Change.” The Sudanese army seized power on October 25, dissolving the transitional government and arresting dozens of officials and politicians. The power grab overturned the planned fragile transition to democratic rule, more than two years after a popular uprising forced the The overthrow of Sultan Omar al-Bashir and his Islamist government Saturday’s protests called for the Sudanese Professionals Association and the so-called resistance committees The two groups were among the main forces behind the uprising against al-Bashir in April 2019. Other political parties and movements joined the call. The Sudan Doctors Committee is also part of the pro-democracy movement. The movement opposed a return to the power-sharing agreement that established the ousted transitional government in late 2019 and demanded a complete handover of power to civilians to lead the transition to democracy.Earlier Saturday, demonstrators gathered in Khartoum neighborhoods and waved Sudanese flags and posters of ousted Prime Minister Abdullah Hamdok, who is under house arrest. Since the coup, protesters have also chanted “civilian, civilian,” referring to their main demand that the generals hand power to the civilians. Later, protesters regrouped in Khartoum, barricading at least one main street with stones and burning tires. There were also protests in others. Sudanese cities and towns, “Young people will not surrender and will not stop this revolution until we achieve the revolution’s goals,” said Mohamed Ahmed, 28, a university student. Hamza Balloul, the information minister in the ousted government, participated in Saturday’s rallies following his release earlier this month. He told the protesters in Khartoum: “There should be no negotiations with the leaders of the coup.” “The Sudanese people insist on a civilian government.. The civil state (the government) is our choice and we will fight for it.” The demonstrations took place amid strict security measures, and the authorities closed the bridges on the Nile that connect the neighborhoods of Khartoum. Troops and paramilitaries also closed off the area around the military headquarters, where thousands of protesters set up camp in April 2019, forcing the army to oust al-Bashir. The UN envoy to Sudan, Volker Perthes, urged the security forces to “exercise the utmost restraint” and called on the protesters to “maintain the principle of peaceful protest”. Since seizing power on October 25, at least 17 anti-coup protesters have been killed due to excessive force used by the country’s security forces, according to Sudanese doctors and the United Nations. This toll includes protesters killed on Saturday. Ongoing mediation efforts are in search of a way out of the crisis, Perthes said he had “good discussions” Friday with representatives of the protest movement in Khartoum, civil society activists, and Mohamed Hassan Al-Taishi, a civilian member of the dissolved council in the coup. Minister of Justice in the ousted government.




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