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A string of small earthquakes in Berks County is no cause for concern, experts say

A string of small earthquakes in Berks County is no cause for concern, experts say


A Kutztown University professor says the fact that Berks County experienced three small earthquakes in the span of one week is not a cause for concern.

“It’s not a concern because the earthquakes were very low-energy,” Dr. Edward Simpson, professor of geology and chair of the school’s department of physical sciences said Monday. “We can make the earthquakes much bigger here. On the energy scale, these are so low that no one has to worry about them.”

Birxes are no strangers to feeling the ground shake under their feet.

The region has a long history with earthquakes, having experienced more than a dozen small but noticeable earthquakes over the past four decades. The latest episodes came last week, with residents around Sinking Spring and Barneville hearing a loud bang and feeling small tremors.

Tremors hit Sinking Spring on November 7 and Friday. The first was a 1.7-magnitude earthquake and the second was a 2.1-magnitude earthquake. A 1.5-magnitude earthquake was reported a few miles east and southeast of Burnville in Penn Township early Friday morning.

None of the earthquakes resulted in any reports of damage, but county emergency officials have had some calls about the noise they made.

Simpson said that three earthquakes in such a short term does not provide much insight into the future. It’s not a clear harbinger of more tremors or a harbinger of a “big” on the way.

In some places where earthquakes are common, geologists have a lot of data that can help predict patterns. In rare cases, those areas may experience foreboding, which are smaller earthquakes that occur before a larger earthquake.

In Birx, there isn’t enough data available to know if a few small earthquakes mean something. But Simpson doesn’t seem to think there’s much evidence that recent earthquakes are omens.

“Whether there is activity on the road is difficult because we don’t know what patterns of collapse exist around this area,” he said. “I am not aware of any ominous patterns. If these are defeat patterns, we will not be able to identify them at this point.”

In fact, Simpson said, earthquakes can be just the opposite. He said it could be a relic of the last major earthquake to hit the area.

“They could even be aftershocks of the 1994 earthquake, where rocks keep resetting themselves after they’ve been moved,” he said, referring to the 4.6-magnitude earthquake that hit the Wyoming Hills. “That’s still a possibility.”

Why is Pyrex prone to earthquakes?

Well, the answer goes back roughly 199 million to 251 million years ago.

Simpson said that this area went through four stages of mountainous construction dating back to the Triassic period. All that geological upheaval has left the boulders buried beneath pyrex filled with tons of tiny fault lines.

He said defects vary in age and size, which means there are frequent resets and breakdowns. This isn’t uncommon, Simpson said, with somewhere around 130,000 small earthquakes occurring around the world each day.




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