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Haiti Earthquake Relief – HHRD

Haiti Earthquake Relief – HHRD
Haiti Earthquake Relief – HHRD


Haiti earthquake relief

A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck west of Port-au-Prince on August 14, 2021, causing the HHRD team to have Haiti on the ground. There have been more than 2,000 deaths, more than 12,000 injuries, and 53,000 homes destroyed. More than 220,000 Haitians lost their lives in the 2010 earthquake that struck the same fault line. People who are injured or who have lost everything need food, shelter, water, and medicine right away.

Teams from our organization have started distributing food packages and survival kits. This item, along with tents, is in great demand. Let’s say you want to know more details about how to make your donation to help; Details are given below. The donations will be used to provide emergency medical supplies, food and water to people. As well as emergency supplies and temporary relief for displaced families.

The current situation on the ground

A total of 200 parcels were distributed in the Les Cayes region, and 100 parcels were distributed in the Nippes (l’asile) region. Among the cities most devastated were Lee Kai and Jeremy, whose infrastructure was badly damaged. Several natural disasters have struck Haiti since the 2010 earthquake, including an outbreak of cholera and Hurricane Matthew in 2016. A tropical storm expected to hit Haiti could pose a severe threat to those affected by the recent earthquake.

The humanitarian response continues to prioritize health and shelter. Relief assistance continues to be provided to hard-to-reach areas, but all are cut off from external access – all by national authorities and humanitarian partners, ensuring that the most vulnerable are not left unaided. Logistical and transportation challenges associated with ongoing access and security restrictions are hampering the central efficiency of relief operations. Nearly 46 percent of those in need – some 70,000 families – had received humanitarian assistance as of 3 September.

Earthquake-affected health services were disrupted in 72 per cent of the three hardest-hit provinces. A total of 60 percent of the population reported shortages of medical staff, medical supplies, medical equipment and collapsed facilities. 24 mobile health teams have been deployed by UNICEF and Ministry of Health directorates. Over the past week to ensure access to basic health care. In addition, 28 tents have been set up in damaged or destroyed facilities to maintain access to medical care.

HHRD’s work in the region

The Haiti Earthquake Emergency Relief Fund was launched immediately to help provide food, water, shelter, and medicine after the 2010 earthquake. 59 rotating clinics with physicians from the United States treated nearly 20,000 people during the HHRD emergency relief phase in January 2010. We offer uplift for the people of Haiti Through global zabiha, seasonal zabiha, health care, orphan support, water for life, skills development programs and village shelter.

HHRD has also allowed countless college students to experience HHRD’s humanitarian efforts through its Youth for Haiti program. Have the people of Haiti in your prayers, those who are looking for their loved ones. During the darkest parts of their lives, a donation can make this easier for them.




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