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Warning of earthquakes and volcanoes amid melting ice sheets: “Earth will return” | science | News

Warning of earthquakes and volcanoes amid melting ice sheets: “Earth will return” |  science |  News


San Francisco expert says ‘prone to earthquakes’

Earth’s ice sheets are melting at record speeds. Data from the World Meteorological Organization on the day the COP26 climate change summit began showed a record drop in sea ice, as the Arctic sea rapidly melted before slowing in August. It rained for the first time ever, for several hours, at the top of the Greenland Ice Sheet in August. Air temperatures were above freezing for nine hours, as temperatures rose across the globe.

The period between 2015 and 2021 is set to be the seven warmest years on record, and sea levels have increased by 4.4 mm each year in the past eight years due to ice mass loss from glaciers and ice sheets.

It also shows no signs of slowing down.

The sheer weight of the ice sheet causes part of the crust to sink under it, as if you squeezed a tube of toothpaste.

When you squeeze the toothpaste, it decreases, and when you release the pressure, it rises again.

The last Ice Age is still quietly affecting everything we see and know today, including the Earth’s surface.

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Earth’s ice sheets are melting faster than ever before. (Image: Getty)

Low-lying islands are threatened by sea level rise. (Image: Getty)

The massive ice sheets, thousands of feet thick, included the Laurentide Ice Sheet, Cordilleran Ice Sheet and many more.

Their weight displaced the crustal rock beneath, and caused the elastic mantle to deform and flow outward, changing the shape of the Earth in the process as other areas would rise to compensate for sinking under the ice sheets, as with a tube of toothpaste.

Scotland was among those places where it sank, while much of the coast of England would rise in areas called “pulses”.

The land that was previously weighed is now rising in a process known as static equilibrium – the bones of an ancient whale were found on an elevated beach in Norway that is now 40 meters above sea level.

Scotland, too, is on the rise. Meanwhile, England is gradually sinking into the North Sea.

The mantle is located between the very hot Earth’s core and a thin outer layer, the crust. (Image: Getty)

In parts of Alaska, a “new land” is emerging.

A New York Times article in 2009 reported that a family was able to build a nine-hole golf course on land that emerged from the sea.

But as the Earth rebounds, it can “reawaken earthquakes and dormant volcanoes,” according to a study published in 2008 in the journal Earth and Planetary Science Letters.

Earthquakes are usually found near plate boundaries.

But large earthquakes within the plate occur far beyond current limits, including the 5.8-magnitude earthquake in Virginia in 2011, or the New Madrid series of earthquakes that shook the United States in the 19th century.

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The skull of an ancient whale was found 40 meters above sea level. (Image: Getty)

Downward pressure on plate tectonics is released without large glaciers present, so pre-existing faults can be reactivated.

“The glacier load was preventing small earthquakes from releasing tectonic stress,” Eric Evins told Smithsonian magazine in 2015.

Scientists speculated that the New Madrid earthquakes occurred in an area where hot, molten rock under the Earth’s crust tried to break through, but was unable to do so due to the weight of the ice sheets that were there.

Now that the ice sheets have melted, the mantle can float again.

Therefore, both static isometric rebound and past tectonic activity play important roles in the internal earthquakes seen in parts of Canada and the USA.

Iceland has suffered a number of serious eruptions in recent years. (Image: Getty)

If existing ice sheets, such as those covering Greenland, continue to melt, it could cause more earthquakes.

And Andrea Hempel, of the Geological Institute of the University of Hanover, warned in a 2010 report published by the Royal Society: “Future ice loss may lead to earthquakes of instantaneous to large size if the crust beneath the recent ice sheet contains fault-prone faults.”

Professor Bill McGuire told The Guardian’s Science podcast in 2012 that these earthquakes will not occur in the near future.

He said, “Not at the end of this century, no.”

However, he warned, “If we don’t act soon, the Earth will return in force to true vengeance over the next 70 to 100 years.”

Research published in 2007 in the International Geophysical Journal found a link between melting ice sheets and outflows of magma, although why one causes the other remains unclear.

However, Iceland has had several major volcanic eruptions in recent years, which is unusual for the region.

A study, detailed in the 2006 book “Geodynamic Iceland”, indicated that glaciers have limited volcanic activity.

The study said that continuous melting is 20 to 30 times more likely to cause volcanic eruptions in areas such as Iceland and Greenland.




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