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EQC encourages homeowners to file a claim for the Levin earthquake


Monday 25 May 2020, 4:28 pm Press release: Earthquake Committee

Renee Walker, EQC vice president, says EQC
Received a small number of claims from 5.8 today
An earthquake of 37 km, centered 30 km
Northwest Levin.

“This was a tile event,
Relatively deep, the energy was widely dispersed
So it felt all over the country. It has raised nearly
Reports 37,000 felt to Geonet, which I understand is
He said “Walker.

“By three in the evening today, about 60 years old
Homeowners filed a claim for damage with

Under level 2 alert, all EQC employees
Available to help customers. All channels of residence claim
Be open and claim management continues

EQC is also able to organize and attend the site
Visits, after reviewing site safety and risk assessment
To ensure you follow the COVID guidelines.

Multiple sclerosis
Walker realizes that epidemic restrictions may cause
Some delays and slight frustrations to customers on site

We thank our customers for their work
Patience and hope that they realize these things are extraordinary
Times and that everyone’s health and well-being need it
Take priority. “

Mrs. Walker encourages any
Homeowners whose properties may have been damaged due to
Earthquake today to connect to the Internet or connect to EQC
Submit a claim.

EQC has more information
About what to do after the earthquake:


Homeowners now have up to two years
After the disaster that destroyed their property
Notify us of the damage. But we encourage people to do so
Submit their claims within three months, wherever possible,
Because the time it takes to file a claim can affect our ability
To properly assess the damage.

You can file claims
With EQC online at,
By email at [email protected] or by
Call 0800 damage (243 326). The EQC Call Center is open
From 7 AM until 9 PM, Monday to Friday, and from 9 AM to 5 PM on Saturdays.
It helps to have your insurance policy close at hand when calling

From 1 July 2019, EQCover increased for
Residential buildings from $ 100,000 (+ GST) to $ 150,000 (+
GST), which affects policy holders on the anniversary date
Their current policy (which is generally the annual renewal)
Date), or if a new policy is applied.

Also from 1
July 2019, EQC will not cover the content that affects
Policymakers at the date of their current anniversary
Policy (which is usually the annual renewal date), or if
You took out a new

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