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ECB president says ‘earthquake’ has hit cricket and game-wide action plan has been published


Cricket will accept an independent regulator if necessary after the “earthquake” allegations of racism raised by the case of a great buddy.

England and Wales Cricket Board on Friday released its anti-discrimination action plan and chief executive Tom Harrison also revealed that the board would be subject to a governance review which could lead to a curtailment of its powers after criticism by MPS for its dual role as “regulator and promoter” of cricket. He also said the sport could accept an independent regulator if that was what the review recommended, just days after a similar idea for football was floated.

“We had meetings with the county heads yesterday to talk about other items on the role of the provinces, the role of the European Central Bank, and whether we should be a regulator and a national government entity going forward,” he said. “It reflects the changing role of the ECB, the expansion of the governing body over recent years, and it is right to go back and work on whether we have the right governance structures given the pressures and the uniquely different role that the ECB is now playing with multiple hats we have to wear match supervision.

“If a governance review comes back with a recommendation, you need a very good reason not to go along with that recommendation. It’s a complex question. We have a self-regulatory model right now. You might want to move to a hybrid co-regulator model or a fully independent regulator model. The process is for discussion and understanding and we will do it in detail because it is very important.”

Harrison said he is “very committed” to staying as CEO and “isn’t leaving now” after introducing the action plan to combat criticism of the game’s failure to reach diverse communities and allegations of institutionalized racism in the sport.

“I am very committed to resolving this issue with the game. We have come up with some urgent and important actions as a result of what happened and I understand that I have the support of the game and I am very keen and motivated to ensure that we provide such a welcoming environment across the sport for everyone. I will not stray from that now.

“I know we’re in the dock of words, words, words, so-and-so, no action. That kind of thing. What we’re trying to say here is an action-oriented plan but it’s not everything. What we have to do is be very clear, And to make sure we talk and listen to people.”

The action plan, revealed by Telegraph Sport this week, includes a standardized whistleblowing system, a review of dressing room culture across the professional game, and diversified training for all players, coaches and referees across cricket’s diversity objectives for coaches and board members. The Anti-Discrimination Unit will be set up within six months and the European Central Bank has pledged £5 million in funding per year for five years.

“The game has gone through a tremendous exercise in deep meditation. Sometimes, an earthquake can provide the opportunity to speed up years and years of change in a very quick amount of time. Perhaps it was the trauma that enabled the game to hold together once and for all,” Harrison said.

All 18 provinces released support statements within minutes of the ECB plan being published, but Joe Stevens MP, shadow state minister for digital, culture, media and sport, said the ECB needs to change its executives to inspire confidence that it is serious. “A lot of the listed measures should have been in place years ago,” she said. “Players, staff and fans will struggle to believe in a process overseen by the same people who have stood aside for so long. What we need is a proper independent investigation to encourage victims to come forward to make real changes across cricket.”

Member of Parliament Julian Knight said: “It’s a critical first step but I’m afraid to say that’s all it is. The committee will need to make sure that real change follows and that the game properly addresses the many allegations of racial discrimination that come to center stage, as cricket is still in Emergency department “.





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