A swarm of more than 40 earthquakes in 24 hours has caused a sensation in the northwestern United States
The series of earthquakes, which began early Tuesday morning and continued through Wednesday, were all aggregated 200-250 miles west of the coastal city of Newport, Oregon, far enough away to be detected on Earth, but given the area’s seismic history, Make a big fuss.
Harold Tobin, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington, told CNN.
The fault line responsible for earthquakes is the Blanco fault zone. According to an analysis by Oregon State University, it is more active than the infamous San Andreas Fault in California, having produced more than 1,500 earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater since the 1970s.
Most impressive of this week’s earthquakes was that the swarm included no fewer than 9 tremors of magnitude 5.0 to 5.8, with most occurring at a shallow depth of only 10 km. The annual rate has tripled (three 5.0+ earthquakes annually) since 1980, according to the USGS database, and fortunately, according to the US National Tsunami Warning Center, none of the earthquakes this week raised a tsunami warning. . The level of concern for some, as the region is among the most earthquake-prone in North America and has already produced one of the largest earthquakes in the United States on January 26, 1700. The earthquake occurred in the neighboring Cascadia Subduction, a huge fault near the ground, where a plate sank Juan de Fuca under the North American Plate. This fault can not only lead to destructive tsunami but also destructive shaking.
This is not necessarily a precursor to the so-called “big”
Although the epicenter of this week’s earthquake swarm, the Blanco fracture zone, is among the most seismically active in North America, it rarely results in devastating earthquakes.
The fault is located about 275 miles west of the Oregon coast and about 200 miles west of the Cascadia subduction zone, where the largest and most destructive northwest earthquakes have historically occurred.
“Blanco-fracture zone earthquakes are striking earthquakes (lateral movements of crustal masses on both sides, rather than up-down displacement), so they are unlikely to pose a tsunami risk, even if a larger earthquake occurs, such as 7.0 on the Richter scale for example.”
According to seismologist Dr. Lucy Jones, there have been more than 133 earthquakes of magnitude 5 or greater in the Blanco fault zone since 1980 and nothing on Earth has followed them.
“Today’s earthquakes can be thought of as a major shock and a swarm of aftershocks, the only difference being that in this case, there isn’t much difference in magnitude between them,” Tobin said.
Although this week’s earthquakes have raised concerns that the so-called “big quake” may be approaching, Tobin emphasized that this is not necessarily the case.
“There is a very long distance from these earthquakes to the Cascadia subduction zone,” Tobin explained. “Our current best understanding of how stress is transmitted through the crust (and mantle) indicates that these events do not significantly alter the stress on the subduction zone.”
He noted, although we have seen a notable number of magnitude 5.5+ earthquakes in a short period of time, they are not inherently alarming but seismically interesting.
A similar swarm of earthquakes, though not of this week’s magnitude, occurred earlier this year near the Salton Sea in Southern California. .
Sources 2/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/08/weather/earthquake-swarm-oregon/index.html The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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